
Your Favourite MM Phono Stages

I realise the OP is seeking stand-alone phono stage recommendations but I am currently auditioning the Naim Nait 50 and, surprisingly, the built-in phono stage is excellent!

This non-Naimite is quite taken with the sound of the N50, which follows an expensive LFD preamp/monoblock amps pairing in the audition list.
Another vote for Croft. Had a 25r pre with phono and it was just lovely. Best I had. Also liked an AN Zero.

A friend has a Hegel V10 used for MM and that's seriously impressive.
Thanks for all the ideas. It's great to hear what everyone is using and enjoying.
The Rega Fono is definitely worth an audition I think. A fair few Crofts in the mix as well, which I've heard about but never had the chance to listen to.
Project Tube box too. I've never heard a valve amp or stage, but sounds right up my street.
Had a Tisbury Domino for years. A great wee phono .Reluctantly parted with it as I wanted inputs for 2 turntables. Finally settled on Pro-ject Tube Box DS2. Has a number of adjustable settings and can be used in 2 x MC , 2 x MM setup or one of each, also can be used in a 2 arm setup. This is an excellent phono, punches way above its weight. If ye only want MM, then ah would heartily recommend the Tisbury. Ye'd need tae spend 5 times+ its price tae find better , and mebbe not even then !- an unsung hero...:cool:
Tisbury entirely new to me. I'll check it out!

My two favourite phono stages are the Kaneda circuit and Le Tube by Jean Hiraga. I’ve never found anything better in 40 years.
Further back at post #14 the Atoll PH100 was mentioned and if it’s anywhere as good a performer as their amplifiers I would imagine it’s worthy of consideration.

That said I am matching my Atoll IN300 with a Michael Fidler MM Pro.

I also have his Spartan S5 and S15 and find that they all are fine performers.
Darlington Labs MP7B and MP8B have features specifically intended to tame AT 500/700 brightness, in addition to capacitance adjustment there's variable resistive loading and HF EQ trim, worth checking out.
Hello all,

I currently have a Rega RP6 with Exact MM cart, NAD 3050 with MarkAudio Cesti B speakers.

I really like this setup. The Nad is warm and tames the the slightly forward Cestis well. The Dirac is also a revelation for tricky rooms.

While I like the phono stage in the NAD, it would benefit from an upgrade. I don't want to go down the MC route, unless there a very cheap option available!

So to whet my appetite, what MM phono stages have been your favourites and why? Currently considering a Reflex M or Moon LP110, but there are so many out there that I've not heard or know much about, it would be great to hear your thoughts. They don't have to suit my setup, I'd just be interested in people's experiences!

My friend Len Gregory (The Cartridgeman) used a Croft phono stage to develop his range of cartridges. As len used me as one of the people who helped test & evaluate his cartridges, Len asked Mr Croft to make me a phono stage. It was head & shoulders better than the plethora of phono stages I tried including an EAR 834P. The Croft phono stage is in a Vitale case.

I could not get any more Cartidgeman cartridges after Len's demise. My friend Mark Manwaring-White of Malvern Audio Research added two SUT's to the Croft so that I could use a moving coil cartridge the Hana ML using Mr Crofts original equalisation circuit thereby retaining the ability to play 75 ohm 3-5 mv moving iron or moving magnet as well as the Hana ML.
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My friend Len Gregory (The Cartridgeman) used a Croft phono stage to develop his range of cartridges. As len used me as one of the people who helped test & evaluate his cartridges, Len asked Mr Croft to make me a phono stage. It was head & shoulders better than the plethora of phono stages I tried including an EAR 834P. The Croft phono stage is in an Vitale case.
Yeah I own that phonostage. Uses RCA 5691 valves, my favourite. I wouldn't say it's the best I've ever heard but it is very good.
Back in the day, phono stages were built into the (pre)amps. So I hark back to the golden era and use a Pioneer C-21 preamp with fully adjustable capacitance and resistive loading. In fact, if I can find a fairly priced SUT, I'd run my MCs into it too.

I've known some perfectly good onboard phono stages. The MM phono stage in my Yamaha AX450 sounds completely adequate to my ears. I swapped out the 220pF input caps for 100pF ones to better suit my AT cartridges. It has an MC option too but I doubt it's great shakes, being simply the MM stage with more gain switched in by the look of it.

Separate phono stages really only took off either after they stopped being included in (pre)amps or manufacturers stated putting crappy ones into them. Much as I'd love to have adjustable pF & R to suit certain carts I have, I can't be bothered with having another box in the system.
Yeah I own that phonostage. Uses RCA 5691 valves, my favourite. I wouldn't say it's the best I've ever heard but it is very good.
I said the Croft phono stage was in a Vitale case using 9 pin valves/tubes not 8 pin, I have no idea which of Mr Cofts efforts it is, they changed on his whim. When delivered from Croft it had 2 x Eastern Europe ECC83 & a Russian 12AX7WA-R (a durable ECC83) soon to have a pair Mullard CV4004 box plates. When a capacitor caused a problem during the test cricket season & I could not contact mr Croft, my friend Mark Manwaring-White stepped in & fitted a new transformer & regulator that enabled me to use 6.3v valve/tubes as well as 12.6v ones. I now use with my own pin out adapters 2 x vanishingly rare now sadly often forged Russian 6.3v 6N2P EV "OS" EV = 5000 life OS = they really were/are tubes used in the space program.

As good as the Mullards are the 6N2P EV OS are a league above I prefer them to any Siemens long plates or Amperex Bugle Boys I have tried.
The third valve is a Russian 6.3v Reflector 6N23P in a rewired socket. I have tried several tubes in that spot various ECC83/12AX7'S, 6N6P ,6N1P,RCA clear top 6CG7 & a plethora of ECC82's.

Inserted in to Mark's very expensive high resolution demo system at Malvern Audio Research both as a moving iron/moving magnet & laterly a moving coil, playing Marks Hana ML on an interesting multi motor turntable the Croft is not outclassed & it still retains the Croft sound.
My personal favorite is the Parasound JC-3 jr (I simply prefer SUT's for LOMC use -so don't use it's MC capabilities) -without sounding soft or rolled off in the HF -John Curl's design simply is the most relaxed -plain pleasant to listen thru. I also own and enjoy: old Bryston BP-1.5 (-mainly used for LOMC Denon carts), Hegel V-10, ELAC PPA-2 and Hagerman Bugle II -these are all -IMHO opinion excellent MM preamps.I also own a Opera Consance MM tube pre-amp ( puzzling design -transformer on this unit's power supply seems way more than required to light up a couple of tubes ?). Lounge Audio LC-1 ( factory modified to have 47 pF input cap for use with AT MM carts) also works a treat with London Decca carts ( and a Lounge audio Copla), Own 2 of the art DJ Pre II ( 1 modified for 100 pF input -again for AT MM carts) and the newer Art Pro -actually like the Pre II better for MM carts-but am impressed with the MC input on the newer model, Ifi iPhono II (owned a one -but sold it off when I got the II). Also owned and used the original model Schiit Mani - never ran a LOMC into it -but neither I or the 2 other friends I loaned it to were impressed with it as a Mm preamp. Sold off -understand Schiit's up to a Mk 3 variant at this time . Parasound XRM -good value for money -but frankly the JC-3 jr just spanked it -sold off.
It's hard to describe what makes the Parasound JC-3 jr the best to my old nun handles? I simply find myself going ahhh -that's just right -within about 2 min . of plugging any of my MM/IM carts into it. The other preamps have their virtues (the ART DJ pre II is just gobsmacking good for -the money) - the other preamps will shine with specific carts hooked into them -but the JC-3 jr is IMHO / limited experience the universal best.
I had a Croft integrated amp for a moment and loved the phono stage. Incredible. I couldn’t get on with the dual volume knobs though.

Did he make a standalone phono stage?
Currently using the Sequel Mk4 in my Creek amplifier, can’t see the need to change it…I do swim in the shallow waters of this hobby though, so maybe something more exotic if funds allowed.

