
Women have ears too don’t they?


pfm Member
So why is this hobby so male orientated? Are there any females frequenting this forum. I understand the facts but not the rationale. There are a few ladies in control of manufacturers eg Crystal cable + Manley labs so maybe it’s the all or nothing factor...
Same here, Mrs CK (to be) is a big advocate and helps decision making, but has stated in the past that if it wasn't my interest/hobby she'd be happy with a Sonos/BT type system.
Her vices are photography, dresses, boots and shoes. Mine are music, motorbikes and HiFi. We are both Architects.
For the same reason that there are rather few lady petrolheads, fanatical football or cricket supporters, darts players, and very much besides?

My partner is obsessed with music - endless music, a sunny beach (mostly for the water), and some bubbles - she'd thnk that she was in heaven. She likes and does not need prompting to mention any changes for the better here - we also have very similar musical tastes, but a Denon CDP/radio/amp and some decent bookshelfs is about as far as her choice would ever go.
The CEO of EAT turntables is also a woman. One of Audio Ts directors, also. The exceptions probably prove the rule. There's a few prominent women in audio but not nearly enough. However, you could also ask the same of many technical industries. How many female staff do you see in the motor industry that aren't in secretarial, HR or reception roles?

I suspect it's something that needs building from the bottom up, though. Certainly a great many of the British Audio companies that grew up around Cambridge were a result of students wanting to do something they enjoyed with their degrees - Arcam is a great example.

There are a few females here, though. I wish there were more, sometimes debates here become very binary and nuanced points can get shouted down.
I'm not sure of the answer to this, but what I do find "generally" that a lot women can happily listen to music on anything
My wife is a good example of this, she's really not bothered what it's played on
I'm jealous of this sometimes

My wife couldn't care less either. I don't mind at all and sometimes wish I didn't find music so distracting. However, I'm currently listening to Riot on an Empty Street by Kings of Convenience before I head off to work and it's put me in a lovely chilled state of mind, so it can't be all bad.
My Missus made a song and dance about about putting together a system in the Lounge and was obliged ( it sounded pretty good) - she very rarely uses it....:(:D
I have a wife and two grown up daughters and they all like music. They are all different personalities but they have one thing in common in that anything they use needs to go just simply 'work' with no fuss.
They will not be bothered with a system where you need to switch on a CDT > DAC > Pre > monos or active speakers.
My wife will just put the radio on....
So why is this hobby so male orientated? Are there any females frequenting this forum. I understand the facts but not the rationale. There are a few ladies in control of manufacturers eg Crystal cable + Manley labs so maybe it’s the all or nothing factor...

Within the audio industry there maybe a few women in control of manufacturers, Cardas, being another I'm aware of, but these are business women and maybe good or otherwise at running any business, it doesn't necessarily need to be a business in the domestic audio market.
Where as in general alot of women enjoy listening to music for some reason they for the most part have little or no interest in the equipment. I think most are happy with a car stereo, midi system or kitchen radio, that's not to say that they do not hear the differences in different components, IME they definitely do.
My wife is always too "busy" to listen to music, normally on her mobile or on the landline! She is happy just to let "Alexa" play her some music. Luckily my hi fi is at the other end of the house!
My wife has no interest whatsoever in the hi-fi. Her car radio is permanently tuned to Heart FM, which sometimes I have to endure. The office system upstairs has been a huge benefit for me and has extended the time frame in which I can listen to music.
Mine always listens to music in her car. She uses her CD player and she burns her own CD mixes. Her car is quite old and doesn't have Bluetooth connectivity.
Otherwise, she uses the hi-fi at home for her dancing activity quite a lot!
Provided the quality is good, that's plenty enough for her.
My wife listened to her father’s system and classical music during her childhood. He had the annoying habit of asking people to be quiet when listening. She’d had enough of it by the time she’d left home. She has good knowledge of classical music and loves some of it and she has the best ears in the house so I always ask her to come when I listen to equipment. I wish she was more interested but I understand her reluctance.
As an aside, in my experience (yep, 'the plural of anecdote is not data') the women I've been privileged to know over my life have only seen equipment (Cars, stereo, tools) as a means to an end, whereas blokes I've known usually see the equipment as an end in itself.

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