
Why guilt on speaker cables and such

I did, say I paid "x" for the speakers, then I paid "2.1x" for the cables, neither were full price. Once they'd been in the system there was no way they were coming out again.
The speaker cables were the biggest change to the system in the "opening the window" on the performance of even the cheapest equipment I have, like I'd never heard any of them properly before. Everything got better, and so did every bit of kit I've tried, even of some rough edges and sins of commission showed up in the budget stuff.
It showed me what 20+ years of evolution can do to a product line.
Well done in staying with what your ears told you and not going by these daft percentages on how much you should pay on different components.
I used an over recommended, imo, speaker cable, Van Damme blue, I changed to a cable from Ali Express 'Furutech' OCC and fitted pure copper spades, this cost roughly double the VD so not expensive. It showed up the graininess in the VD cable and was a big improvement, and not only to my ears.
I'm super glad it has worked out and clearly in your system the impact has warranted the investment split. I'm also glad you were prepared to stand behind what you heard. On many forums, even though I have A-B'd a unit, with my brother making the A-B so blind I don't bother to publicise as on a lot of occasions the 'flack' just isnt worth it !

I think system synergy is key, I doubt paying full price for your expensive cables would be a good value proposition for my system, not least as I need around 100m of speaker cable and using naim NAC A5 for the bed channels was expensive enough (most bought second hand but the longer runs I had to buy new)
Errr. Nope.

List price of my speaker cables is 2x the list price of the speakers they are connected to.
That’s utterly insane to me.

I’ve never heard a difference between decent, fit for purpose cables but accept some people do but surely the money would be better spent upgrading to better speakers of source?
That’s utterly insane to me.

I’ve never heard a difference between decent, fit for purpose cables but accept some people do but surely the money would be better spent upgrading to better speakers of source?
Happy with the rest of the kit, more so now I can hear what it's all doing ;)
Although I made and entirely wired up my system with silver plated copper, cotton dielectric interconnects, when we had a new floor installed I seized the opportunity to have the speaker cables installed underfloor. I was using some chunky old Cabletalk (I think) bi wire, and I was lucky enough to snag two long lengths on ebay. Underfloor now, with speakon connectors and the speakers on heavy duty castors/wheels so they can be easily moved for cleaning etc. The system is bi- wired bi-amped, and although I was initially worried about moving from a concrete floor, spiked, to castors on a floating wooden one, I'm very happy with the sound.
How do you know they are decent if you haven’t heard the difference?
Well made, fit for purpose is probably what I should have said. I've never heard 'high end' cables in my system but I have never heard a difference with the cables I personally have owned. It's a simple statement of fact. I have Chord Epic currently and they do what they're supposed to.
Genuinely interested to know what the rest of the kit is?
Oh sorry. yes..

All the cabling is Coherent Systems now

Bel Canto Stream, - streamer - connected C.S. 4D gen1 AES to]
Mutec MC3+ USB, - reclocker - connected C.S 4d gen2 AES to
Coherent modified Topping D90 (original AK4499 version) - DAC - connected C.S. 5D gen 1 RCA to
Belles Aria (2021) - int. amp - connected C.S. 4D gen2 to
Cambridge Audio Aeromax 6 - speakers (these are 20-30% better than the Aero 6 .... I have them as well, obviously ;))

Coherent Systems cabling throughout now, it has taken a while and been incremental as it's not cheap. The 4Dgen2 speaker cables were the last bit in. I've been lucky and picked a lot of these up as trade-ins on an as-and-when basis when people have upgraded/needed different lengths - Tony's very helpful like that. Extremely occasionally they come up on the Bay, I picked up some 4D gen 1 interconnects like that last month.
Of course it would but common sense does not exist in this sport. Flog the speakers chip in the money you were about to pay for cables get better speakers.
True but which disciple is going to listen to that sort of common sense.
EVERYONE knows that the changes a cable makes are at least 2X more than any speaker change.
Don't they???
I'm certain it's written somewhere?
NOT written just mentioned a lot by the dealer with expensive cables?
I just use the in-the box cables that supplied with the amplifier by its manufacturer ... because the pairing is based-on full 4-wire Kelvin sensing, so the amp takes its feedback from the speaker terminals (up to c 160KHz).

Speaker cables inside the feedback loop = NO speaker cables = Total win, because it negates worrying about any such cyclical daft threads, as the last 8+ pages.

