
Who are the best Rega dealers?

You can generalise about house sound but matching cart to arm, to TT, to phono stage etc is more important.
I can only really compare with the Apheta, as the apheta 2 was on a dem system.
The apheta is a little more dynamic and lively that 33 ptg, but the AT has something a little special going on with small group jazz, and vocals. I would really be hard pushed to pick a favourite.
I can only really compare with the Apheta, as the apheta 2 was on a dem system.
The apheta is a little more dynamic and lively that 33 ptg, but the AT has something a little special going on with small group jazz, and vocals. I would really be hard pushed to pick a favourite.

Thanks very much, this is really helpful. I really wish AT made good turntables! I dont know why they cannot make a Technics 1210 style turntable!

All my turntable use is jazz so this is perfect!!!
Another shout for Winchester Hifi (formerly Phonography) My go-to when I lived in in Bournemouth and then Southampton. They were always excellent with Rega
That's exactly what I thought. AT cartridges 'mild'? To my ears they are typically hi fi cartridges.
But then a very experienced dealer, who has probably heard as many varieties of cartridges as anyone else in the UK, casually remarked to me : ''95% of all cartridges are just awful...awful.'' That took me aback, but on reflection could be about right if you want to listen to music and not 'hi fi'.
And the better samples are not all very costly either. In fact very pricey cartridges are among the worst offenders, bright, aggressive, unnaturally'll never hear that sound when listening to live music.
There, got that off my chest. Too much of 'hi fi' is just unnatural sounding. A few decent cartridges, Shure 97xe (£70), basic Ortofon SPU, wooden bodied Grados. There are no doubt others but I haven't heard them. The 'worst'....probably Lyra, to my ears. All detail and little music. Too many brands fall into the 'loads of detail, all in your face' trap.
I should imagine a good dealer could install something nice on the Rega. But it depends what you want...hi fi or music. Quite rare to get both, sadly. Spending loads of cash usually makes it worse.
Bit of a challenge. And this being audio, you may hear things quite differently.
Always thought the older Grados as example sounded more natural sounding than some of the brighter things like k18's. Listened to plenty of actual instruments from guitars, oboe, cello, large piano/organ/keyboards
Another shout for Winchester Hifi (formerly Phonography) My go-to when I lived in in Bournemouth and then Southampton. They were always excellent with Rega
Would that then be still Phil Marsh formerly of Phonograhy. Good rooms for listening through Sugden and the occasional Naim Aro.

