
Which composers do you find yourself bored by?

yep, me too. I can totally hear why Chopin was a genius, that his music is technically superb...... but most of it is hideously self-pitying "oh look at poor me, I'm so sensitive!" very effete and cloying..... if I had been around in an 1840s Parisian salon and he was playing I'd feel compelled to march up to him at the piano, grab him by the shoulders and shake him roughly, shouting "for goodness sake man, pull yourself together!" Which might have been totally acceptable in 1840s Paris, but I probably would not be invited back. And then I wouldn't have to listen to any more Chopin.

Chopin composed one of the most bold pieces of music ever - the final movement of the B flat minor sonata. This could have been written yesterday, and it would still sound at the cutting edge of new music

Chopin composed one of the most bold pieces of music ever - the final movement of the B flat minor sonata. This could have been written yesterday, and it would still sound at the cutting edge of new music

I've always loved and cherished the description of this movement in the old Record Guide

"This unique movement, which should be gone almost before we realise it is there - a mere pattern of mist as it were, or a network of rooks in twilight"
Vernon Handley very much disagrees, and I agree with him.
But he's dead, so what does he know?

I'm fine either way, I was just suggesting a different listening approach for those who aren't currently receptive to the Bax symphonies.

It's such rewarding music imo, so it's a shame to miss an opportunity for folks to enjoy it.
Speaking of Bax, there was a story going round the BBC of a Radio 3 programmer who was about to go on holiday and left what he thought was a brilliantly witty programme in the hands of his deputy. The programme consisted entirely of works by 3 letter composers like Bax, Fux, Cui, Sor etc. Arrived back from holiday he smugly asked how his programme had been received. His deputy replied:

"We couldn't get the music to the Sor guitar piece you included, so the guitarist substituted a similar piece by Castelnuovo-Tedesco. I hope that was OK?"

