
Which cartridges do you own/use and why do you like them?

1. at 95e
2 denon dl103
3. at 33ptg
4. ortofon classic classic e mk2
5. denon dl103
6. at oc9 mk2
7. cadenza bronze
8. at33ptg

best sound 4-7-8or3-2or5-6-1
Roksan Shiraz since 1989 - always engages you with the music and great insight. Responds to better arm/TT set up.

Extremely accurate cartridge with few, if any, rivals at any price.


Awesome. :cool:
I only own one cart at the moment which is an Ortofon Rondo Bronze MC, seems to do a nice job of playing records and Id class it as a decent all rounder in terms of the genre of music I play on it (Led Zep / Blues / Jazz / Classical)

At some point I may get another cart but Im more than happy with this one
Extremely accurate cartridge with few, if any, rivals at any price.


hmm strange how it reminds me of my own cartridge, but with added holes, sawn out centre, rounded off edges and cruder overall shape - progress eh?

hmm strange how it reminds me of my own cartridge, but with added holes, sawn out centre, rounded off edges and cruder overall shape - progress eh?


How can you "add" a hole? Shurely holes must be subtracted.

But yes, progress.
We have Swiss cheese ponies, they are troublesome, picky and argumentative but we have them.

Here I made an art

Van den Hul Frog Gold, since 2005. Before that, more cartridges than you could shake a stick at.
A brief comparison of my current cartridges. As always, a range of personal choices come into play. No absolute truths here.
Shure m97xe. Cheap as chips. Fabulous value and a fine sounding cartridge. Not the last word for detail, and can be a bit loose and woolly in the bass. Some people find it too laid-back. Shure say it is designed for 'listenability' and that seems about right. Ideal if you don't want to spend a lot and find many modern cartridges a bit over-the-top, you know, excessive detail, forceful, bright, tiring. That sort of thing ( a popular type of sound among hi fi folk, I think).
Next up. An old Shure V15 111, with nos original Shure stylus. More neutral and detailed than the 97xe, tighter bass and a smooth, sweet sound. Excellent, but not made for many years. Shame.
Then: Nagoka 500. Top of the range and it sounds it. Very good cartridge to my ears. Quite a lot more precise and detailed than the Shure 97xe, with good treble and a nice, well-controlled bass. You sense you are listening to something a bit special and up market. However, some people will, quite reasonably, be willing to sacrifice some of the detail and precision for the sheer 'listenability' of the cheapo Shure. But the nagoka is a rather excellent product, again, to my ears.
Until recently, I also had a late model Koetsu Urushi, factory fresh with none of that retipping nonsense. A real Koetsu. Very lively and up front, explosive dynamics, an exciting ride. But it wasn't especially warm or smooth....modern Koetsus are just not like that. I can't agree with the people who say they are warm and cosy. Not so. For me, that went out with the death of Sugano. The stone-bodied ones can be very impressive, but the cost is just nuts. At the moment, I prefer good moving magnets. Sacrilege I know....probably going deaf.
Stereo: decca c4e (x2), fr-7f, emt tsd15 sfl and sph. I prefer the c4e over the fr7f on the fr64s/301 (more presence and dynamics, but the 7f is more smoother overall) and over the emt's on the 930/929 (much better tracking, although a bit too focused on transient speed/attack over body/decay compared to the emt's).

Mono: emt ofd25 and 65 both in use on a 930/929. Awaiting refurb of an old emt/fonofilm but with a larger conical stylus for early electrical 78s. The ofd25/65 are just killer on mono microgroove/later 78's (but too much groove noise with the ofd65 on early 78s). Interestingly, the c4e isn't too shabby at all on mono LPs but groove wear is considerably more noticeable and I also prefer the extra body and smoothness of the ofd25.
Ortofon Cadenza Blue, fast, neutral (in as much as you can tell), even handed, pretty much vice free. I can't see me swapping it for anything else tbh.
My 3 faves so far are AT-OC9, AT33 and DL-103R. The OC9 seems to have the lowest noise floor and best dynamics. The 33 is the most open and the Denon is the most fun/musical. Never had anything more expensive yet.
A real Koetsu...
Sacrilege I know....probably going deaf.

of course real koetsus ended with sugano-san all that sugar-son nonsense is the student copying the master. The son never wound pure silver under the full moon as the cherry tree was blossoming...

Yeah yeah, wind up. I am well and truly deaf. (It's why I rely on looks).
of course real koetsus ended with sugano-san all that sugar-son nonsense is the student copying the master. The son never wound pure silver under the full moon as the cherry tree was blossoming...

Yeah yeah, wind up. I am well and truly deaf. (It's why I rely on looks).

Clive I've seen your photo. Time for a trip to spec savers ;)

