
When does your system sound best, am or pm?

Hmm, I prefer listening at night (even with regenerator) as it's quieter and I don't need to turn it up to hear detail or microdynamics

I don't need to turn it up, I like to turn it up.
Couldn't care less about micro this and that, it just sounds more like real music when it's at the correct level.
Day or night is fine with me. There's probably less activity and people using the electrical grid during the day in my neighborhood and since I'm seldom awake past 10PM day is probably best for me.

There's something to listening to music in a darkened room that appeals to me so the blinds get closed during daytime sessions.
I think the biggest variability might be my hearing. Sometimes I overdo it on the volume, because it sounds so good, and then my hearing is not so good for a long time afterwards, which takes away some enjoyment. It's like someone who likes their drink getting worse hangovers as they get older ...
hey drink is not a bad thing, it frees the spirit and opens the mind to a certain degree.
All in moderation of course.

