
When does a country become "The"?

Actually the Monarch has the power to disolve parliament. Also Parliment can't open without the approval of the Monarch. One could argue these powers are hypothetical, but they've not been tested in modern times so they may not be in actuality.

There are more I'm sure, but as a republican I've not bothered to research the subject in detail.

Yet when Boris prorogated Parliament (Democracy) the monarch sat on royal hands...
Yet when Boris prorogated Parliament (Democracy) the monarch sat on royal hands...
What does that prove? Have access to a power doesn't mean one will always use it. I've no idea what powers the monarchy has around that particular situation though.

By the way is prorogated even a word? Doesn't come up with a definition when I search it, and google is usually very good in that way.
Any common man can graze animals on any land designated as common land in the UK (or England at least). That's why it's called common land.

You have to be a commoner, not just anyone. So far as I am aware, being a commoner is hereditary but loads of very ordinary folks are commoners. For instance only commoners of the New Forest can graze ponies or other stock with the forest.

I have no idea what a common man is (along with all sov' cit's)
I presumed that a commoner is a person born without title. I am just plain Mister and thus common. It is nothing to be ashamed of and I am content with my station in life.
Nederlands (pronounced neigh-de-lands, the d of lands being half way between a d and t in pronunciation) means literally low countries in Dutch (note the s).
Just seen this, Vinny. As per my post preceding yours, it seems to be Nederland (no s) in Dutch. The country's stamps are thus titled After all, 'low land' is as acceptable as 'low lands'.

