
What's The Last Bit Of Audio Equipment You Have Bought?

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Raspberry Pi B+ and the IQAudio DAC+.

I also I bought some caps for my Quad 306, and some bulk cable to solder up some interconnects.

And a MiniDSP Umik-1 and MiniDSP 2x4 to try some room correction.
I bought a pair of Audeze LCD3 headphones, was quite unimpressed or rather the distance between them and my Beyer DT990 premiums was so small I just sold them them and got a full refund. So I am back to the 990s I have been using for years. Lesson learned and won't go down the uber headphone route again.

interesting. the LCD-2's are burning a hole in my mental pocket right now. been using HD-600's for years, which are one of my fav pieces of gear.
well i may just be deaf or too unrefined to hear much in it. tried with a few posh headphone amps as well just in case but it did little for me. Not for the money being asked. So no harm done, staying put there. YMMV, IMO etc...
well i may just be deaf or too unrefined to hear much in it. tried with a few posh headphone amps as well just in case but it did little for me. Not for the money being asked. So no harm done, staying put there. YMMV, IMO etc...

.... BTDT FWIW and have now taken to high quality IEMs instead and fink they are gr8, big cans are like soooo last yr IMNSHO, c ya l8r BFN.
Brand new - the Arcam irDAC (when I buy new it has to be a significant improvement, so well done Arcam).

Second hand (always good to experiment with the old stuff) - Vintage Yamaha CR200, and Grundig V1700.

On the verge of seriously considering buying a new Croft amplifier.
TRON Seven Reference Phono stage about a year ago - stunning sound and battleship build. It was built specially to match my Decca FFSS MkIV C4E.
Two purchases this week. (Just as true to say 'two purchases in the last five years'.)

A Linn Klimax DS/1 as a keeper replacement for my Akurate DS
A Quad 909 as an experiment to see how it sounds with my Tannoys.

Got a pair of Royd Minstrels last week,haven't had so much fun in ages,i even listened to the whole of the BeeGees live in las vegas this morning,must be good....
New Grado cartridge, and got my lovely old quad 303 serviced, with a power on/off switch and proper speaker sockets. There's fancy.
Later this year, a fourth SET amp, being built for me by Nick Goreham. Slowly.
Have added a second tone-arm to my turntable as follow

Timestep M10-DP Duel arm SME Mounting plate

SME V Tone-arm

Miyajima Premium BE Blackwood Monaural cartridge ( mono )

Timestep mono phono stage

Results for playing mono vinyl is staggering you wonder why they gave up recording in mono it sounds so good.
So much so have started buying mono recordings from Eli. The other day found a sealed mono album of the early Kinks hits from Japan in mono.
Best up-grade in a long time.
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