
What's The Last Bit Of Audio Equipment You Have Bought?

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I got my Jolida glass dac modded with some better caps & valves etc.
Best £250 I've spent in ages. Bloomin' marvelous.
A pair of pre-loved Yamaha NS-1000Ms a few months ago. I so wish I never subscribed to the jap-crap-fi mindset way back when they were still made. A superb loudspeaker by any standard.
2 X 5m of Van Damme 4mm UP-LCOFC Hi Fi Speaker Cable.

In my system (Densen B100 and Sonus Faber Concertos) in my room with my taste, it saw off some NACA5 out of the box. Extended base, more clarity. I expect it will improve with use.

(Maybe not exactly equipment. But all I can afford at the moment).
Yamaha MC-1s cartridge. Beryllium cantilever matches the drivers in my speakers. Sounding glorious right now. My Yamaha system is complete. :)

Might have to be for sale soon as moving to a smaller house and will probably by a Sonus system because this hifi is just so big according to the better half.

Dark days.
Akai 4000DS mk II with a bunch of tapes...and an Akai dust cover for it. A bit grubby but all cleaned up now and working lovely, including recording. £50 and some surplus lego...loads of fun playing with it since
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