
What were the first 10 vinyl LPs that you purchased and when....


I feel much better now, I really do...
1971 or 1972 not sure precisely. It was when I began to have a stereo, and pocket money to buy records. We only had a Philips deck that ran off batteries and had one speaker in the lid. I was given a stereo for Christmas and a pair of headphones came soon after.
I had...
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
Deep Purple in Rock
Focus III
ELO 1st
Close to the Edge - Yes
Fragile - Yes
Blood Sweat and Tears III
Three Friends - Gentle Giant
Made in Japan - Deep Purple
Faust 1st
First was T Rex Electric Warrior in February 1972. Then
I just listened to my older sister’s records until early 1975 when I bought Queen Sheer Heart Attack, then Elton John Greatest Hits, then BTO Not Fragile. Then Queen 1 & 2. But hazy after that.
All played on my sister’s stereo record player which now I’m sure would sound abysmal….
My first was T. Rex The Slider, what came next is a bit foggy though certainly included Electric Warrior, I’d have been about 10-11. I had a copy of Sladest too. I think from there it was straight off into prog via a friend’s older sister’s record collection and a real Pink Floyd obsession, plus Yes, Genesis, ELP etc. Within a year or two I had a paper-round, was saving my school dinner money, so was able to buy a second hand LP or two at the weekend. I deep-dived a load of prog and space-rock stuff (more Floyd, Hawkwind etc), plus started to find some electronic/Krautrock (Autobahn, Rubycon, Tomita etc). I’d certainly built up a reasonable collection by the time punk and new-wave hit. I can’t remember the first ten, but they’d certainly have been a mix of T. Rex and prog.
First album was definitely Fresh Cream in 1969. After that more Cream, John Mayall then the (white) Blues gave way to West Coast psych + the VU. Lucky to have a great record shop at the time in Harrow, Musicland, where the latest US imports arrived every week. It just happened to be next door from my Saturday job!
Goodness, my memory isn't up to that anymore. My formative years were the late 70s but that was radio and ToTP as a kid. I liked UFO and Schenker when I was 15 or so but I got increasingly fed up with the sexist crap that came into 80s rock. Rock Bottom on Strangers in the Night is still a classic, I think. I used to tease my house mate at uni who was a huge Maiden fan, no Schenker no Iron Maiden when they became massive in the 80s (obviously). Then I moved to Queen and Dire Straits before getting bored after a few months. I loved the clean sound of Knopfler's playing until (and including) Making Movies - it's particularly hard to play like that with no safety net! So I like melody and strong songs. I loved new wave when I first went to secondary school and they were the albums I started to buy (retrospectively and currently) when I had a bit of cash, Costello, Squeeze etc that I still have and play to this day. Clash, Jam, Beat, Specials, Madness, some reggae. Pogues, The The, Billy Bragg etc Then I got into Jazz when I got a CD player in the 90s...
No way I can remember the first 10, but the 1st I actually purchased with my pocket money was a 2nd hand copy of Madness - One Step Beyond.
Another notable early purchase was Human League - Dare. I remember getting home and my mum scolding me for spending £4.49 on it (at the time, most records in Woolies were £3.99).
Easy. I have kept a written record of every album I have ever bought. Where from and how much it cost. Yep, sad but there you go.

First 10 with my own money, all 1977. Had a few Queen LP's previously, Xmas presents from family.

The Stranglers - Rattus Norvegicus
The Stranglers - No More Heroes
Santana - Moonflower
Baker Gurvitz Army - Baker Gurvitz Army
Deep Purple - In Rock
Queen - News of the World
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
ELP - Works Volume 1
ELP - Pictures At An Exhibition
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same.

Used to swap records with friends and school chums a lot in those days, so only the two ELPs are still in my collection today.
probably Motown chartbusters, John Jackson (country blues)Aretha Franklin and my hero of old Otis Redding, Tiny Tim, Geno Washington, Prince Buster.

I still own all these except the first and play them. When you think about it is incredible value for the money.
My memory isn't anywhere good enough to be precise but...

My first records were mainly the samplers available around 1969-1971 when I was still at primary school. I could get these with pocket money as they were around £1. Wikipedia says You Can All Join in and Nice Enough to Eat were both 14 shillings and 6 pence (£0.72) and Harvest 29s/11d (approximately £1.50)

You Can All Join In ( Island)
Nice Enough to Eat (Island)
Happy to be a Part of the Industry of Human Happiness ( Immediate)
Picnic: A breath of Fresh Air ( Harvest)
Back Tracks 5 - a side each of The Who and Hendrix (Track)

An Aunt bought me Abbey Road the Christmas it came out - Xmas 1969.
I got my dad to buy me Led Zeppelin 2 after some student teachers who were working in our primary school played it to us.

I bought Split by the Groundhogs after seeing them play Cherry Red on TOTP ( that was on 15th April '71, just before my 11th birthday)
I also bought Electric Warrior. I did swap Split and Thank Christ for the Bomb for Can's Tago Mago a few years later ( with the top opening cover). I still have the Island, Immediate and Harvest samplers though.

Abbey Road, Spilt and LZ 2 are all long gone - swapped for various things along the way - LZ 2 for the first Black Sabbath record. I still have the copy of Electric Warrior.

That was the first 9 if memory serves.
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I was very impressed by S&G's "Concert in Central Park" and bought it when it came out, aged 9.
Subsequently bought some Dire Straits albums, then some Talking Heads albums.
Sometime in '87 I convinced my dad to get us a CD player.
Not sure of the order but these were definitely my first LPs I bought with my own money. All second hand because records used to be cheap!

Misfits - Earth A.D./Wolfs Blood
Slayer - South of Heaven
Dead Kennedy's - Plastic Surgery Disasters
Discharge - Why
Discharge - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
GBH - City Baby Attacked by Rats
Grindcrusher - The Earache Sampler
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality

That's not 10 but I'm struggling to remember now although it was probably something like Floyd or Zep.

The Discharge records were actually mail order from Clay Records, wish I still had the order booklet for them, I loved planning what I'd buy next.

I still have all those records apart from the Sabbath, it has since been bought again 4 times on vinyl and once on CD.

Edit: I just remembered 2 more that will definitely knock one of the above off the top-ten

The Cramps - Smell of Female
Killing Joke - What's THIS For...!
The order may be mixed up but they were

Chris Farlowe Stormy Monday
Donovan Universal Soldier
George Harrison All Things Must Pass
Roy Harper Folkjokeopus
Roy Harper Flat, Baroque and Berserk
Leonard Cohen Songs Of
Al Stewart Love Chronicles
Nick Drake Five Leaves Left
Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells
Kaleidoscope Tangerine Dream
First two Beatles albums when they came out then
First Rolling Stones LP in 1964
John Mayall with Clapton
John Coltrane Expression
Mingus Dynasty
John Mayall with Peter Green
The best of Muddy Waters
Monk Monk
When I was 12,

Yes- 90125
Peter Frampton Comes Alive
The doors- LA Woman
Yes- Drama
Dire Straits- MMovies

Then The Clash (& The Young Ones on tv.. ie my brain formed correctly 12-13 yrs old).. then can't remember/ goes foggy.

Started in 1972 for me. I was 14. had 4 paper rounds and spent every school holiday working in the local market gardening (leafing cucumbers , pollinating tomatoes etc) I loved music and needed funds. So as far as I can remember (it was quite a long time ago)

The Who - Who's Next
Schools Out -Alice Cooper
Hawkwind - In Search of Space (after seeing them on TOTP with Alice - what a moment that was)
Roxy Music - 1st
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust (TOTP again)
Steely Dan - Can't Buy a Thrill (elder sisters much older boyfriend turned me on to Reeling in the years - thought it was the greatest guitar riff in the world ever back then)
Framed - The Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Yes - Close to the Edge (Used to draw the sleeve art of Yessongs on peoples satchels at school for a packet of fags - 10 number 10)
The Human Menagerie - Cockney Rebel
Roxy Music - For your Pleasure
With my 1983/84 Xmas and Birthday money (I'd of been 12 in the January) I bought my first LPs

Scary Monsters
Space Oddity
Ziggy Stardust

After that I'm not quite sure of the order but probably over the next year or so

Purple Rain
Hatful of Hollow
Seventeen Seconds
Joy Division Unknown Pleasures and Closer and the EP with the drummer boy on the cover.

I didn't have alot of money (somethings never change🙄) and used to get alot of stuff taped from friends.
I would've taped all these on my parents music centre and listened too them on my ghetto blaster or Walkman.
Not sure of the order but these were definitely my first LPs I bought with my own money. All second hand because records used to be cheap!

Misfits - Earth A.D./Wolfs Blood
Slayer - South of Heaven
Dead Kennedy's - Plastic Surgery Disasters
Discharge - Why
Discharge - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
GBH - City Baby Attacked by Rats
Grindcrusher - The Earache Sampler
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality

That's not 10 but I'm struggling to remember now although it was probably something like Floyd or Zep.

The Discharge records were actually mail order from Clay Records, wish I still had the order booklet for them, I loved planning what I'd buy next.

I still have all those records apart from the Sabbath, it has since been bought again 4 times on vinyl and once on CD.

Edit: I just remembered 2 more that will definitely knock one of the above off the top-ten

The Cramps - Smell of Female
Killing Joke - What's THIS For...!
That's an amazing list! Now you're going to tell me you were 12 at the time : )

