
What Power Amp with Kans?


It is a question which is nearly always answered with the magic number 250 but what of serious alternatives. I am used to using a serviced NAP 140 with my early MK1 Kans. I've just had a go with a fettled bolt down NAP 160 which left me unexcited! It seemed to be too lean in the bass. There have been comments elsewhere on PFM that suggest the NAP 250 shares certain characteristics with the 160 which, on auditioning the 160, wouldn't necessarily suit my set up. Are there any excellent alternatives out there?
I used a 140 with Kans for a number of years, and it worked very well.
When I upgraded to a 250, that worked very well too.
Nap250 or 135' as already suggested. Years ago when I heard kans on a daily basis these were the clear best options.
Bolt top 250 if you can find one. But lets face it, Kans will always sound lean with certain types of music, regardless of poweramp
I've used loads of Naim amps with mk1 Kans in the past and had good results with lots including a Nait 1 right up to 250. The worst, by far, was a bolt cased 160 just as you describe. Even then (several years ago) this was an old amp, and I also thought it rather "soft".

I wouldn't worry at all about the 160 and 250 sharing similar characteristics - the 250 will sound great. Having said that, I thought the 140 (like you are using) offered the best VFM when coupled with a 72. No need for a hi-cap etc. Ultimately tho' the 250 does sound better.
Thank you SteveH - 'soft' is exactly the word I would use to describe the combination of 160 and Kan. I wonder why this is. Also thanks to the early contributors - so far, as usual, the 250 has it!

Maybe the 160 need service ?

I wouldn't say a Naim pre/power (Hicap ?) will sound overly "soft" on Kan's
Sure it isn't down to source ?
I still have my old first generation Kan's ( external binding post ).
Used them with a Nait for years, then after some demo's went to a 160. That woke them up nice and proper. Have tried them with my 135's and that is also a very sweet pairing, though I think the 160 suits them a bit better as it is a bit warmer/fuller than the 135's. The extra bottom end of the 135's doesn't show as well as I had thought, and compared to the warmer 160, was not as enjoyable.

again, IMHO and FWIW
Source is MF X-Ray - hardly soft! Also these observations are made compared to my 32/snaps/Darran serviced Nap 140. Mykel, your contribution is interesting in that what you thought would happen with the 135's is what I thought would happen when swapping out the 140 for the 160. Mmmm.....
Old John Farlowe-era Exposure amps (any of them rated at 55 WPC up) will make a jaw-droppingly amazing noise come out of Kan 1's in the right room.

Kans need plenty of current and a very solid wall to sound their best. I don't know why you'd use them with a Nait - you may as well plug in a pair of Cans and listen to them from 6' away.
Picked up my MK1 Kans and stands last night, many thanks Dn1, In short they are stunning!

OP I have then playing right now though my 72/Hi/160 Bolt Down, from what you say your amp clearly needs a service, the sound is quite amazing, futher tests T/F but nothing wrong with a 160 driving Kans.

These speakers when set up right are quite unbelievable, the trickery, speed, detail and hugh sound are very amusing to say the least....
From what you and others have suggested Gaius, it could be this particular 160 might not be fettled in the Naim 'style'. I'll dig deeper as to the electrical changes. Thanks to all...


