
What it is your best test disc?

Nitin Sawhney - One Zero - Side 7

No doubt about it.

Recorded at 45rpm direct cut live to a master limited to 1000 units, at Metropolis in London.

Solo males multi-part vocal, incredibly fast tabla, solo female vocals, guitar, then complex fusion jazz.

I bought it as I have heard him live quite a lot. Clearaudio have given it to some dealers as a test disc.
The new double-45 RPM ORG pressing of Jeff Buckley's "Grace" is absolutely wonderful, and easily surpasses my original Euro pressing of the LP - the dynamic range of the 45s are stunning. For those who enjoy the record, it really is a must own IMO.

Which one? Link appreciated!

Pinnock's version (1983, I think) has never been surpassed. I've loved it since I bought the vinyl all those years ago. I know every note and nuance of the performance, which is why it is my standard test disc.

A lot of the late 60s Baroque recordings on Archiv, Argo and Telefunken vinyl are very good indeed. Close to the top of the tree should be the Fournier Bach Cello suites on Archiv. I think I'll give it a spin now.
For recent/current vinyl Paul Rodgers, The Royal Sessions and the Impex release of Miles Davis ESP are both very different but equally worthy of 'demonstration' status.

Triple A vinyl, fabulous!
Methings some people are listing their favourite disc rather than their best test disc.

This is a very good test CD - as well as being good music. Lots of fast rhythms, transients, piano, bass, sax, clarinet, female vocals. Superbly engineered.

I would agree with this choice for sound quality alone, but the music is very good indeed, Joni Mitchell singing "The man I love" is spellbinding stuff.
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