
What is the world coming to?


pfm Member
Meeting up with the other half in Reading after work, we go to a pub which is playing music just a bit too loud. You know the volume, just loud enough to make speaking to each other possible but hard enough work so you talk less and drink more. Nothing special then but just before we left I hear something I recognise but it takes a few moments to sink in. It’s USA, yes that’s right the United States of America, the US band that were probably the first group to successfully use a synthesiser mixed in with a pop sensibility. But USA are not well known, they make The Grateful Dead seem mainstream. This is a disc that is over 40 years old, it was never well known or ‘popular’ and it blasting out in a pub in reading on a Friday night. And the most extraordinary thing is that it worked and it didn’t sound out of date, out of place or out of time. Weird.

