
What is the best Amp(lower cost) for B&W CM8


New Member
Recently, I bought B&W CM8 speakers.
I'm looking to some integrated amp to match well with my B&W CM8 speakers.

I know that the most important thing is for me to like how the amp sounds in my system. But, I would like to start from low cost (under $1,000)

What I'm looking for here is opinions about which integrated amp (under $1,000) are the most recommendable matching for my B&W CM8 speakers from others regarding experiences with these brands, product/brand reputation, general observations on sound produced by different combinations (bright, dark, bassy, thin, laid back, aggressive, etc.)

In addition, I am also looking for CD player with similar cost range.

Look at What Hi-Fi review page and Your Opinion tab - Roksan Kandy was recommended by WHF team, Cyrus amps and Rotel and Onkyo receivers were recommended also.
I've got a pair of CM7s, FWIW I find they sound better (read: less forward/bright/whatever you use to describe extra dbs in the mid-to-high frequencies) with a budget Arcam setup I've got than with my Naim system. I'd personally look to Arcam or Rotel (if you're US-based) given that kind of budget.
You may be able to pick up a second-hand PrimaLuna ProLogue Classic Integrated Amplifier (RRP $1,799)
or a second-hand PrimaLuna ProLogue Two Integrated Amplifier (RRP $1,999 / Sale Price $1,399)
for under a $1,000.

I'm guessing, on your side of the pond, a second-hand Primare CD31 CD Player and I30 Integrated Amplifier would be achievable for under $1,000 each.
I have heard primare and moon audio amps sounding good through B&W, listen to a rega brio R too!
Having just sold my CM8s I can have a decent stab at this one...

Ditch the link plugs, they sound terrible.

Pioneer A400 = surprisingly very musical & only £100 2nd hand
Nait5i = No
NaitXS = still cr@p
NaitXS and TeddyCaP = not bad, but lacks slam
Nac202/200/TeddyCap+ = Much better, but still not quite 'right'
Nac72/Jadman boards, Teddycap and an Avondale NCC200 based powerr amp = Awesome

There are a couple of NCC200 based amps on Ebay now. Buy one of them :)
Brio R won't drive them, not a good option

Really? Have you heard this combination?

I have, they have a Apollo R, dac, Brio R driving a pair of CM8's in the showroom at sound academy!

That little amp has more balls then you would think, the lack of air inside and substantial metal casework doing the heat sinking help.

Granted I haven't heard it driving hard but it sounded good at moderate levels.

I liked the moon amp (forget the model) but it's much more expensive.

