
What is it with hi-fi forums and "not liking rap"?

I can’t stand rap. I really can’t. It makes me mad and nauseous at the same time. It gets on my nerves.
So unmusical to me, the negation of what music has to offer.
Hip-hop not much better to me.
One man’s opinion eh.

EDM is the one I most hate... and yes, as with yourself, it angers me that it exists. To try and explain this I'll use an analogy to art; It's as if the kind of "artwork" by 4 year olds (scribbles, a blue line for the sky and a green line for the grass, no perspective, stick people, all in primary colours etc) that we see stuck with magnets on peoples fridge door has been put alongside Monet, Rembrandt, Da Vinci, in huge quantities, actually in art galleries and with high price tags, and we get it rammed down our throats that it's great art, has value etc, even though it's bloody obvious that the thing took 1 minute to do and by someone with zero talent.... whilst ejits tell us that if we don't think it's as good as Da Vinci's The Last Supper then we have no taste and are too old to "get it"! How dare they try and monetise something THAT bad! And then throw it at us from every form of media known to man!

FWIW I do have some time for precisely the old school stuff that TonyL mentioned and bought a Grandmaster Flash single at the time...

Also FWIW when dance etc first started to appear in the mainstream I was only maybe 22 and I hated it as much then as I do now.
I don't hate any kind of music. I might not like it, but I don't hate it. Everything has its meaning for someone.

Regarding Hip Hop.I gotta say that I do prefer the more upbeat side of things. Like this.....

And - I suggest - some of these genres are really heavily 'produced': in the same way that everything from root/rockers/ into reggae, into Dub, and from there to dancehall.. and all the many vital strands - always were. And I've pile of such...

I view it all as a seamless thing. Everything overlaps, e.g. one could make a strong case for Fela Kuti being just as ‘rap’ as he was ‘Afrobeat’. I’d be perfectly happy to file my rap and hip-hop stuff with my jazz as there is just so much common linage. I’ll never understand the hate or be able to view it as anything but lazy ignorance. A blanket refusal to look or learn. Maybe even racism.
It's an age thing.

My dad loved jazz and hated pop/rock music. My brothers are a lot older than me, they listened to the Beatles, Stones etc.

Nothing changes.

If there's anything in this world I disagree with even more strongly than the statement "Trump was a great president" then "It's an age thing" (in this context) is probably it!
'Tribe Called Quest - Low End Theory' is a great place to start and maybe change your perception of rap and hip-hop. It's a classic, I think because it flows so well from one track to the next and just bounces along from beginning to end in a really fun, wandering way. Pure joy to listen to, it's remarkable IMO.
I view it all as a seamless thing. Everything overlaps, e.g. one could make a strong case for Fela Kuti being just as ‘rap’ as he was ‘Afrobeat’. I’d be perfectly happy to file my rap and hip-hop stuff with my jazz as there is just so much common linage. .

Excellent, agree utterly; but then the view/position long-occupied deep down in us is the same - no interest in 'hifi' just ...wanting a decent means to fully enjoy the music.

(that's the crucial bit 'hifi forums' are bad at: seeing the Wood for the trees))
Personally, I don't think there is such a thing as 'bad' music, just
music you like or don't like. I prefer not to listen to Classical,
Jazz, Hip Hop, Punk, Heavy Metal in it's various different styles and
most music that appeared after 1980, but would never say it's bad.
There will be some among you that don't like what I like. Doesn't
mean it's bad. Personal preference is what it's all down to.
There may be rare examples that are unlistenable but I've yet to
hear any. Metal Machine Music - Lou Reed - could prove me wrong!

Regards Andy
I must admit I'm not too sure what Rap is. So I searched Rap in YouTube. The results were pleasant enough with steady beats, but it is obvious that the accompanying video and dancing/posturing is most important. Impressive in its way.
If there's anything in this world I disagree with even more strongly than the statement "Trump was a great president" then "It's an age thing" (in this context) is probably it!


For me this thread is about musical taste not anything as serious as Trump or FWIW Johnson who both inhabit the sewer.

And why am I even having to reply to someone who constantly posts that modern music is worthless?

My ignore list has moved from zero to one.
Well, we all have genres we don't get along with. So I'm certainly not suggesting everybody ought to like rap. Or that disliking it is necessarily racist. That would be silly as well as offensive. Or that disliking rap is necessarily uncultured. Though I suppose it is a bit :) Nor am I trying to sell hip-hop to anyone. I don't mind what you don't like.

All I'm asking is why rap -of all the huge variety of dislikes- is so commonly singled out for public mention? And why so often? So often too by people who clearly (see above) know little of it and have no reason therefore or cause to hate on it. They may as well give us weekly updates on their dislike of the 17th century Portuguese liturgical.

Perhaps in many cases this is no more than an unfortunate habit. A particular complaint lodged in their brain like an annoying tune from an advert. But I know that it often is (at least elsewhere) properly sinister.

Whether or not people are aware of this (and I do believe many are not) enthusiastically broadcasting a dislike of "rap" at every opportunity is well understood as a wink between racists. Real ones. I can't change that, others have made it so.

Anyway what would be nice is for people to consider the impression this gives and the effect this has on the forum atmosphere for people of colour. And maybe try and break the habit.
For me this thread is about musical taste not anything as serious as Trump or FWIW Johnson who both inhabit the sewer.

No, this thread is not about musical taste. It's about racist signaling. Whether or not intended. It is about hi-fi forums being hostile to a diverse audience.
Well, we all have genres we don't get along with. So I'm certainly not suggesting everybody ought to like rap. Or that disliking it is necessarily racist. That would be silly as well as offensive. Or that disliking rap is necessarily uncultured. Though I suppose it is a bit :) Nor am I trying to sell hip-hop to anyone. I don't mind what you don't like.

It is the constant drip drip of hate that made me use the ‘r’ word. One never sees threads appear hating on other genres such as string quartets, classic rock, opera, country & western etc, yet this has to be about the third on rap/hip-hop. For clarity I am absolutely not asking for any other hate threads! I’m also not for a second suggesting it is overt racism, just extreme conservatism and fear of the other. Maybe just a fear of the new. I find all music fascinating and can always find something to like in every genre (and a load of uncategorisable stuff!) even if I also find a lot more that doesn’t connect with me.
Well I suppose we all love Gil Scott Heron's The Revolution will not be Televised but for me rap really started with The Message and then all of the Sugar Hill Gang output. Contemporary music is such a broad canon that it's impossible to keep abreast of every genre. I've back filled my collection with what I think are rap etc classics. I try to keep up. Really love Liam from Prodigy's "Dirt Chamber mix" A real homage.
As for contemporary stuff I took my eldest ( now 17 ) to see Little Simz perhaps 5 years ago, we've seen Dave and Stormzy etc. My 15 year old has introduced me to Central Cee and it's great to see a London based scene that's going mainstream.
Both my girls are quite jealous that I once had a chat with Headie One. I got to cross examine him in a Crown Court case! He was one of the baddies but of course it wouldn't be rock n roll if he was made out to be one of the good guys!
I like hip hop but I'm not a fan of most rap. It's just base, derogatory, sexist, self agrandising, misogynistic clap trap.

I'd like it even less if it was made by white, middle class well heeled, smug conservatives. So not racist no.

Sing along....

" myself and a cohort of my peers are planning to make a trip to the highlands, where we'll tour the distilleries in our 70s rolls royce Corniche and shoot some pheasant and stag with our side by sides, while female working class servants bring us foie gras and bollanger. And youll thank us for being tbere, because we're better than you. We're better than you...."
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It is the constant drip drip of hate that made me use the ‘r’ word. One never sees threads appear hating on other genres such as string quartets, classic rock, opera, country & western etc, yet this has to be about the third on rap/hip-hop.

??? Third today? Third this year? Third in the history of PFM? I'm not seeing it.
Equating not liking rap with racism is, frankly, ridiculous. Lot of people on here venerate black artists & I am sure in the past & present there are racists who like black music including rap.

I grew up in the 80s & loved hip hop at the time, still rate a lot of it; if I’m honest I don’t listen much to it these days. I think my musical tastes have become far broader, Jazz has probably taken over from rap in that sense.

I really disliked the Tupac/Biggie era, it was just talking over a backing track, no real mixing to my ears.

I think ‘Paid in full’ is one of the best lyrics ever written.

I don’t think I fall into the narrow definition of an audiophile in terms of what I listen to.

