
What cartridge for my new Orbe then ?

Quite a bargain you have there.

I really wouldn't bother with an Ekos when you have a Phantom. Why would you ?
I'm pretty sure its legit, already spoken with the vendor.

Bargain for sure!

Still I don't really know much about the phantom or what goes on it, though I strongly suspect the Troika isn't the right thing at all.

Don't want to break the bank, but then again don't want anything too cheap to show the Orbe at its best and which might have to move on fairly quickly.

There's a Lyra in classifieds - would that be any good?
Nah - My LP12 lid has lived in the loft for about the last 5 years. All it ever used to do is sit on the sofa and collect dust.:D
In fairness I wasn't really intending to get anything in the 1K to 2K bracket.

I was considering maybe the AT33 -EV or the PTGII or maybe an Ortofon Kontra b or a Benz microglider, but not the same cost as the TT!

I also thought maybe a humble old DL103 with new metal body just to get it going, but thats probably a bit cheapskate for the deck.

I don't really want to buy anything new and hugely expensive in case I don't like the presentation of the deck. 26 years of Linn useage may be quite hard to overcome, then again it might prove horribly easy to make the change.
Well done, an excellent buy! I owned a Phantom a few yrs back and it worked well with Transfiguration MCs, not sure what the current models are, but well worth investigating. And BTW the Hovland music groove phono cable, which I also once used, is one of the very best, RRP was over £700 and that was a few yrs back:)
Its actually a Graham 2 rather than a phantom, though looks like it might have been upgraded to a 2.2. None the less still very good.

I didn't realse the Hoveland cable was that expensive and hadn't even considered it in bidding since I'm likely to use either the same or build a new onboard phono stage the same as I use on the LP12.

If its that good perhaps I should just get a pair of K or S boards.
Glad you got that to use I hate to see bargains going to 'strippers' who will part them out for profit.
It looks exactly like it did on ebay

Did you expect it to have morphed into something else somehow??

Could well be my best bargain in a while. very decent gent selling it too - he's promised to find me an alignment guage for the cart since it didn't come with one.

You could have outbid me if you wanted to be the Git instead!

