
What are you listening to right now #62

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I'm guessing that sleeve is a visual homage to Minor Threat?
trying this shorter clip of the quartet, but there's also an hr long concert film on youtube, which wont link properly:

my chum sent me a link to the performance with the line 'Stan Getz just before his audition for Space 1999' - but you have to see the full movie to get that quip.
Basically the band (without Airto) which recorded the 'Captain Marvel' lp a bit later on (an apt name given Stan's sartorial inclinations).

Love the early 70s period when members of the jazz old Garde got a little bit fusion-y.
I mean Getz's sublime tone, over that force of nature rhythm section...
the stuff in my previous post reminded me of this album, which I had on used vinyl a while back:


and which I remember very fondly.
The clips I can hear on Amazon suggest correctly so as far as my taste goes, even if Shelly does look as tho' he's caught his unmentionables in the snare mechanism of his drum.
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