
What are you listening to right now #53

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Grant McLennan - 'In Your Bright Ray' (Beggars Banquet CD)

Picked this up in a second hand store yesterday (£1.99), fk I've got a lot of catching up to do....It's absolutely brilliant (the only other solo Go-Betweens I've got is Forster's 'Evangelist' - Shame on me!)
Yesterday, I was was mainly listening to Chet Baker. Today I am mainly listening to Charlie Parker and Bill Evans. But not at the same time cos that would be crazy:eek:
Concert by the Sea and the Palermo (Eddie Gomez) as warm ups for The Koln Concert. That will see me through until the pyjama games start.

Football of course. What were you thinking ?
Yannick Dauby ‎– 一流水 tsi̍t lâu tsuí - Penghu Experimental Sound Studio Vol.1

Truly astonishing stuff if you're into experimental music


Nils Frahm ‎– LateNightTales

I'm a big fan, and here we get a pick of some of his favourite stuff.
Led Zepplin 1.This is the first time I have sat through a complete LP.

And a fantastic album to mark the occasion too.

I'm currently listening to The Stooges to block any firework noises from upsetting my dog.
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