
What are you listening to right now? #49

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The Fireman's 'Rushes' album. The duo feature Paul McCartney and Youth. They create electronic music experiments, according to Wiki. In other words a couple of bass players doing spaced out sounds. Not bad at all.

Peter Gabriel / PG4 2x45. I bought this on a whim really. It's the only one of the first 5 I could never find s/h in good nick. It sounds absolutely tremedous. Proper dynamic matering - the drums on the end of Rhythm of The Heat really caught me out because I'd wound it right up at the start. If the others are this good, I'd think about getting PG3 as well.

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Pablo Ntini on vinyl. Very nice indeed. I have just 'washed' an old unplayable record under a tap with fairy liquid to see if it works. A very wet label.... Just waiting for it to dry. Vangelis Albedo 0.39. First album I ever bought. Anticipation is killing me!!!
ok so it's not 'right now', but last night went to see G2, a Genesis tribute band at the Harlequin theatre Redhill last night. Completely brilliant!
Your Friend 'Gumption'. Took a few listens to get into but it's really got under my skin.

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