
We Need Another Circular Debate.

How does that work then?

Saudi Arabia effectively sets the world oil price.

4% of UK crude oil imports in 2013 were from Saudi Arabia.

We have such a special relationship with the Saudis that any oil
supplied to the UK is buckshee. Now, whether we're charged for
it by the middle men is another matter but at source, it's free.
That's what fracking does, puts methane into the water supply. Good idea if you ask me, saves time when making a cup of tea.

So....tell me just how you stop methane getting into the water supply.?

We have such a special relationship with the Saudis that any oil
supplied to the UK is buckshee. Now, whether we're charged for
it by the middle men is another matter but at source, it's free.

We have at various times sold arms to Saudi Arabia with part-payment being made in oil but that doesn't make the oil free.

