
Warm Hi-Fi vs Cold..

The MDAC sounds considerably better after a couple of hours' warm up according to my experience and that of its designer (who just might know what he's talking about), not to mention just about anyone else who chose to listen instead of theorise.
The MDAC sounds considerably better after a couple of hours' warm up according to my experience and that of its designer (who just might know what he's talking about), not to mention just about anyone else who chose to listen instead of theorise.

I have an MDAC and rate it highly (and can differentiate it in a blind test :)), however I don't think John is any less susceptible to psychological effects than you or I. For what it is worth, I find my system sounds better after 10-15 minutes, however I'd love to verify one way or another whether this was physical or psychological, mainly because I find the psychoacoustic effects fascinating.

Steven: I know your opinions on the following, so please look away now!

Has there ever been an attempt to measure a cold system against a warmed up one and see if there is any measurable differences? Alternatively, has anyone tried a "no peeky, no looky" test between a cold and warm component?
The MDAC sounds considerably better after a couple of hours' warm up according to my experience and that of its designer (who just might know what he's talking about), not to mention just about anyone else who chose to listen instead of theorise.

By no means always a given!

Steven: I know your opinions on the following, so please look away now!

Has there ever been an attempt to measure a cold system against a warmed up one and see if there is any measurable differences?
I was under the impression that Robert had done exactly that
I was thinking more of an audio diff to measure audibility (or inaudibility) of a change, or ideally a double-blind abx.
The problem with either of these would be that your two samples of one amp/dac at two different times can't be played at the same time. With the former you would have to make a recording and with the latter you'd have to be using two different machines.
I just plugged in my SMSL amp "cold from the hold"
I think it sounds better than the one thats been playing for hours.
btw is this thread not an April fool?
I just plugged in my SMSL amp "cold from the hold"
I think it sounds better than the one thats been playing for hours.
btw is this thread not an April fool?

The OP was on 31 March, so it can't possibly be. It is however one of pfm's favourite dead horses, brought out for a ritual flogging every now and then.
The problem with either of these would be that your two samples of one amp/dac at two different times can't be played at the same time. With the former you would have to make a recording and with the latter you'd have to be using two different machines.

That was what I was thinking of. For the diff, a recording of playback from cold, a recording of playback after the system has been left playing for a few hours, diff the two. For the a/b test, two source components, have one playing for a few hours, then add the second on a separate pre-amp input and switch between the two, see if you can detect a difference.

Joe Hutch said:
It is however one of pfm's favourite dead horses, brought out for a ritual flogging every now and then.
I was just curious if anyone had actually tested this - I have no wish to discuss it outside of that.
Have you ever heard anyone say that their amp sounds worse after warming up? What about "burn out" which incontestably occurs, but is never detected; to the extent that there is no expression in usage for it.

Makes you wonder.

I find it curious how little discussion there is on hifi forums of how often one should have one's kit serviced, re-capped etc.

Re Burn out.

I have found that if I leave my kit (amp) on for 2 days, e.g. at the weekend, towards the end of the second day the left channel ceases to output. I reckon that is burn out. Must pack it up and risk sending to a man who can.

Thankfully ATM next day on switch on the left channel works again. So I have stopped leaving my amp on all the time/for days.

It sounds much better with two channels

What about humidity, wind and rain affects on your sound?
9/10 cats prefer warm hi-fi components

Cats are most welcome to visit my biased within an inch of its life 8 x el34 amp with the exposed circuit board. It's conveniently located on the floor. I nicknamed it the cat killer some years ago. Could be the biggest contribution to controlling T.B since the cull of Brock.

Class A sounds better warmed up too- I tried a headphone amp of this design and the sibilance did disappear and a fuller bottom appeared as the veils lifted.
Some components are affected by the warm up of the equipment
Take a simple transistor (and my paradise phono is full of them :rolleyes:)
Measure the HFE (current Gain)of it cold and then hot it will be different and this is measurable, weather that will have an effect on the sound depends on the implementation of that transistor in the circuit.
Bias current in Ma is another measurable value that changes during the warm up cycle and normally final adjustment of this is after warm up or alternatively on Naim power amps some recommend the setting of the bias is done cold in mv across the emitter resitors, which ever method you use there is a measurable difference between cold and warm.
The Paradise phono use a shunt regulated power supply which has an output of 18v, measure this cold and it outputs 18.8V these are all changes that go on in an amp during warm up which may only take mins ?
In a new amp full of stock components there is certainly a period of where some new components take time to settle down to there intended value particularly electrolytic capacitors and how quickly they form is dependant on the voltage and current applied across them in the circuit and how old they are from new.
In an old amp, old electrolytic’s, drifting carbon and aging cold soldered joints resistors can cause problems with an amps stability you can notice this more if it has been switched off for a long period and it sound crap when you switch it on but gets better after a period of time.
Just my 2p

PS our cat prefers the tivo box
well, my setup's been on for a fortnight since i returned from holiday and in my mind is not yet fully warmed up :D
of course; it was off for 2 weeks whilst I was in the Cayman Islands warming me up, so I have calculated (very carefully) that it will take 4.212. weeks to reattain its previous position*

* I may be out on that a little as I'm not as experienced at this as some here.
I have found that if I leave my kit (amp) on for 2 days, e.g. at the weekend, towards the end of the second day the left channel ceases to output. I reckon that is burn out.
No, that is a fault in design or operation.

