
US bombs Syria

I can just see Assad in his study, putting on his thinking cap ..............

Now how can I wrap up this existential war with the Islamists ? What should I do next ?
Oh I know. I'll humiliate my most powerful ally, Russia, who took on responsibility for disposing of my army's chemical weapons to prevent the US from destroying me. Yes and in the same action trigger international outrage that will be enough to enable the US establishment to turn President Trump to the opposite stance of the non-interventionist one he announced a week ago.
I can just see Assad in his study, putting on his thinking cap ..............

Now how can I wrap up this existential war with the Islamists ? What should I do next ?
Oh I know. I'll humiliate my most powerful ally, Russia, who took on responsibility for disposing of my army's chemical weapons to prevent the US from destroying me. Yes and in the same action trigger international outrage that will be enough to enable the US establishment to turn President Trump to the opposite stance of the non-interventionist one he announced a week ago.

You are making the basic assumption that Assad can actually think. Never, ever underestimate the human capacity to do something totally idiotic and totally contrary to one's best interests. Clement Attlee famously described Winston Churchill as "50% genius, 50% bloody fool". The world is currently full of nearly 100% bloody fools usually operating only on basic instincts for survival and doing what seems opportune at the time.
You are making the basic assumption that Assad can actually think.

Either that, or Assad places terrorising the opposition high on his list of priorities safe in the knowledge he has a very powerful friend watching his back.
Clearly ? Jesus

Yes, the idea that Assad did order or approve of an air force attack is possible. But to say that idea is "clearly" more likely is extremely ropey.

I find it amusing how people almost fall over themselves to believe official stories. And also to disagree with that cloth-ears :)
Yes, the idea that Assad did order or approve of an air force attack is possible. But to say that idea is "clearly" more likely is extremely ropey.

Since it's all down to opinion and speculation, I know in my own mind which is more likely and it's not the conspiracy ass-hattery being spouted by some.
Clearly ? Jesus

Yes, the idea that Assad did order or approve of an air force attack is possible. But to say that idea is "clearly" more likely is extremely ropey.

I find it amusing how people almost fall over themselves to believe official stories. And also to disagree with that cloth-ears :)

I'd also go with clearly. Equally clearly, I can't say what Jesus would think, except that he'd disapprove of the whole business. When
(a) one has in power a singularly unpleasant man, more than ready to torture and murder his own people en masse,
(b) who has already used gas,
(c) who now has a powerful, completely unscrupulous and self-interested friend whose arms and military were instrumental in preventing his overthrow,
(d)who is convinced that the West has no stomach for deep involvement after the Iraq debacle, and that he can therefore act with complete impunity, and
(c) who has heard the President of the USA say that his removal from power is not a consideration and that only the fight against ISIS matters;

it's completely logical that he'd again resort to gas without the slightest hesitation.
I think you're kidding yourself Tones. Responses in bold within.

I'd also go with clearly. Equally clearly, I can't say what Jesus would think, except that he'd disapprove of the whole business. When
(a) one has in power a singularly unpleasant man, more than ready to torture and murder his own people en masse,

The regime is authoritarian and yes needs reform, but its far from uniquely so. Try dissent in Saudi Arabia or Iran. I'd also say he has a very good reason to be authoritarian and there are very bad consequences for most Syrians if control is lost. So he's unpleasant . okay , compared to who, in the region ?

(b) who has already used gas,

I wasn't aware. When was this ? The time it was later proved to be the rebels ? Yes the military had large stockpiles of chemical weapons, as various regional players have, ready for use in an actual future war between nations. Did the regime actually gas its people like Saddam used to do ? I'll be open to hearing it but can you please tell me.

(c) who now has a powerful, completely unscrupulous and self-interested friend whose arms and military were instrumental in preventing his overthrow,

And on whose trust he depends. That took on the responsibility to dispose of Syria's stockpiles. Why would Assad risk humiliating Russia and creating this open ended conflict potential with the west ?

(d)who is convinced that the West has no stomach for deep involvement after the Iraq debacle, and that he can therefore act with complete impunity, and

Oh ? No stomach ? The several past and ongoing interventions and full scale wars are just imagined then. The US deep state has been itching to do Syria - yes post Iraq - and Clinton made it clear she'd want to intervene in Syria.

(e) who has heard the President of the USA say that his removal from power is not a consideration and that only the fight against ISIS matters;

Which was against the wishes of the establishment around and opposing Trump, so why would Assad risk giving them the key to turning Trump around, forcing his volatile hand ?

it's completely logical that he'd again resort to gas without the slightest hesitation.

Only a possibility Tones, not completely logical.
Good to see we' e got the PFM team on the case.

I was beginning to worry there for a second.
Clearly, he's trying to outdo his father, which is no mean feat; so much for genetic evolution.

Of course, Kin Jong Un is trying to outdo HIS father, again, quite a task, but aided by atomic warfare capability.

Not sure which is worse; autocracies or theocracies ! Rule to prey or pray to rule.
You assume he's a rational human being, rather than a psychopathic dictator who feels he can do what he likes with impunity.

Maybe psychopathic but good access and qualified assessment needed. Can't just judge by purported actions. Hateful and cruel is in the normal range for people.
Former ambassador adds his view in a BBC interview :

There was one line in there that I'd like to highlight particularly, is where he said you can't take at face value the assessment, not when they have an agenda.

Indeed. This is so important.

Also of significance is that this man knows Assad better than most.
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The tension is increasing...

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States has concluded Russia knew in advance of Syria's chemical weapons attack last week, a senior U.S. official said Monday. The official said a drone operated by Russians was flying over a hospital as victims of the attack were rushing to get treatment. Hours after the drone left, a Russian-made fighter jet bombed the hospital in what American officials believe was an attempt to cover up the usage of chemical weapons.
The allegation is grave, even by the standards of the currently dismal U.S.-Russian relations."
Former ambassador adds his view in a BBC interview :

There was one line in there that I'd like to highlight particularly, is where he said you can't take at face value the assessment, not when they have an agenda.

Indeed. This is so important.

Also of significance is that this man knows Assad better than most.

Great to see this was on the BBC news, hope a lot of people watched it and took notice. I can't believe the US is about to embark on yet another 'regime change' in the Middle East, creating another deadly power vacuum. May'be we will finally see real opposition building to western interventionism, not like the phony 'illegal war' stuff of Blair, but real opposition against the whole idea of the West are moral arbiters and world policemen.
Here's an article by Brendan O'Neil laying bare the immorality of Trumps bombing.
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There is something I don't understand from reading posts here: The USA, under Obama administration did almost nothing in the ME in the last 5-6 years.
Are there members here who are claiming that the USA not involved in the ME saved even one's person life?

From the place I am sitting in, it is difficult to me to understand if people are making their opinion on some written materials or on their imagination. Estimation now is 700,000 killed in Syria, 5,000,000 lost their houses - this is all without any involvement of the USA.


