
Uni survey

Not sure if the results may get skewed by PFM demographic?

one of a number of reasons I didn't complete

Good points, well made, not something that I'd paused to consider tbh. As it turned out the number of responses in each of the upper three age ranges are pleasingly similar, and gives some counter-balance to the large number of responses from the lowest age range due to her initially sharing the link with all her friends. I'm not sure of the split by sex but I figure that a lot of the age 45+ will be male, but not all by any means.

There's a bit of a suck out in the 25-34 and 35-44 bins so she may have to find some people to target in those age ranges. She's already got nearly double what she considered was the minimum reasonable number of responses, so I think it's job done!

So a big thanks on her behalf to all those who filled it in, and for all the comments which I shall certainly pass on.
A little follow up on this (mainly so that I can bask in the warm glow of her success) and another opportunity to say thanks to those who helped out by filling out the survey, here's a pic from Monday when my daughter graduated with a 1st class degree :cool:

Awesome Ms Calorgas.
Big congrats. My son is graduating this year as well. Sadly just missed the first but a very strong 2.1

Congrats to the both of you too. A 2:1 is a great result and I know that mine would have been very happy with that, she was quite shocked to sneak a top grade tbh.
A little follow up on this (mainly so that I can bask in the warm glow of her success) and another opportunity to say thanks to those who helped out by filling out the survey, here's a pic from Monday when my daughter graduated with a 1st class degree :cool:

Fantastic update, and well done Ms calorgas!

Know, and love, the building / city / the Unis - I was at UNU, for a long time; and my daughter graduated likewise from NTU. I've even a few photos not unlike that - hope you all enjoyed that day, as much as I did at the time : D

