
UK General Election 2017 (Part IV) - Results Night

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pfm Member
This afternoon I went to collect an amp I had won on eBay from a man living in an expensive looking house in a very pretty Cotswold village. I was surprised to see a 'Vote Labour' sticker in such an environment and told him so. He said it was more commonplace there than I might expect. Of course my surprise evaporated when I learned that, like me, he was an ex-BBC staffer and hence a fellow member of the effete liberal pinko metropolitan elite. The rotter was probably a remainer too!
I'm pretty certain Corbyn has connected with young folk far better than Ed M did, let alone Blair/Brown. How that will translate I have no idea. I really hope they do the country proud.
I think he has and I reckon social media may have greatly helped to spread the word too, for people of all ages.

Feet on the ground though..
You know it's ironic that JC was branded unelectable etc yet he's the first MP I know who has connected with the young in such a way.
I asked the staff at my polling station what's the traffic been like, and they said they've had youngsters queing for 15 minutes to get in, and that with pouring rain.
I think he has and I reckon social media may have greatly helped to spread the word too, for people of all ages.

Feet on the ground though..
I saw quite a few young people in my neck of the woods wearing "Vote Labour" stickers - don't remember that before.

Also at my local Labour Party HQ there were at least two teams of youngsters who turned up to do doorknocking (getting the vote out) for the first time.

My experience of campaigning today has been really heartening. It might not be enough to swing the result this time but I'm in no doubt about the direction of travel.
Spooky. I used to go to Bagleys a fair amount. Made it to Cream a couple of times and a lot to the Hacienda.


Probably ran into you in the Hacienda, Friday's and Saturdays was often there during the 90s. The Lovedup and the Music Factory in Leeds were the other haunts. Went to Cream a few times. The bouncers came round searching once, and we told our mate to neck the spares that were in his pocket. We all got searched, nothing found, except at he end of the night we couldn't find the cloakroom tickets, he'd necked those instead...
I saw quite a few young people in my neck of the woods wearing "Vote Labour" stickers - don't remember that before.

Also at my local Labour Party HQ there were at least two teams of youngsters who turned up to do doorknocking (getting the vote out) for the first time.

My experience of campaigning today has been really heartening. It might not be enough to swing the result this time but I'm in no doubt about the direction of travel.
Good stuff! I'd love if they were at least within four points average on exit polls. It'd signal a strong performance and give us a bit of excitement later on too :)

Brexit was 10/1 at 11PM on the night with exit polls showing a remain victory.

Yes. 1997.

Ah right, and 'Labour' won that time so a good omen :cool:
Brexit was 10/1 at 11PM on the night with exit polls showing a remain victory.

Polls seem to underestimate the right-wing, Brexit being a prime example. I don't have a good feeling about tonight and all I'm after is a small Tory majority! I have a nasty suspicion that the two polls predicting a close run thing are going to be very wide of the mark. I just hope to all that is sane in the world that May/Murdoch/Dacre/Crosby and the rest of these vacuous hateful shits haven't bought themselves a landslide.
The mainstream right wing media does not feel like it has the upper hand in antisocial media in this country. There is hope.
Polls seem to underestimate the right-wing, Brexit being a prime example. I don't have a good feeling about tonight and all I'm after is a small Tory majority! I have a nasty suspicion that the two polls predicting a close run thing are going to be very wide of the mark. I just hope to all that is sane in the world that May/Murdoch/Dacre/Crosby and the rest of these vacuous hateful shits haven't bought themselves a landslide.

A week ago I thought Corbyn would win. Now I honestly haven't a clue what will happen.

Hopefully Corbyn does at least well enough to ensure his vision remains at the party's core. Otherwise Labour will become Tory-lite again :mad:
Come on Tony the young finally have woken up because at last the menu has a choice. Ok maybe this time we get stuffed but next time, which won't be long because of the brexit shitstorm we will enter, things will change. I'm optimistic because ironically the right wing, xenophobic brexit vote will end in delivering a socialist government within 4 years.
I don't think you will see a quantum shift or the shoots of revolution sadly.

The appalling events in Manchester and London have probably ensured that the Right Wing vote will hold up. I think polls will mislead because even hardened Tory voters are probably mildly embarrassed to admit that they are.

I usually like to be proven right but on this occasion, I really hope I'm completely wrong.

I live in a Tory heartland so I will not see any evidence of rebellion anyway.

Any reduction in Tory majority should be seen as a victory and sticking two fingers up at May and her demand for a mandate.
So, the only decision now is BBC's Dimbleby or Channel 4 with Paxo, David Mitchell and Richard Osmann. On the latter now but I'll probably channel-hop a bit. Have Aberlour 10 to cushion the blow with some Laphroig Select on reserve...
I will not be watching the BBC. I can't afford to replace this TV.
A week ago I thought Corbyn would win. Now I honestly haven't a clue what will happen.

The only question is how big the Tory majority will be.

There have been a worrying number of articles like this in the past few days

"In recent days, I have been speaking to Labour candidates, including those defending small majorities in marginal seats, as well as to activists. The picture emerging is bleaker than the polls would suggest and the mood is one of foreboding: candidates expect to lose scores of seats on Thursday."
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