
Two Rover Cars that I would happily own ...

There's also some serious HSE guidance about using machines with IC engines in enclosed spaces and around other personnel because of the exhaust fumes, fuel type etc. Battery powered machines do away with much of that. Some of the better machines I've used are hybrids with a small IC engine for use outside. The engine drives a generator which keeps the batteries charged. Do we have any hybrid cars like that as opposed to bolting an electric motor on the end of the crankshaft?

Koeniggegg hybrid uses one electric motor per rear wheel plus one coupled to the engine. The latter then doubles as generator. I think...
There's also some serious HSE guidance about using machines with IC engines in enclosed spaces and around other personnel because of the exhaust fumes, fuel type etc. Battery powered machines do away with much of that. Some of the better machines I've used are hybrids with a small IC engine for use outside. The engine drives a generator which keeps the batteries charged. Do we have any hybrid cars like that as opposed to bolting an electric motor on the end of the crankshaft?
Contractors need HSE guidance if they bring a propane truck in my factory! Their health is very definitely at risk.

There is a hybrid that works as you describe. The bmw I3 has a range extender that is literally a little twin cylinder air cooled engine with a generator. This charges the battery. It has no mechanical connection to the wheels.
IIRC, many years ago they come up with a fluid transmission system that used a pump to pressure the liquid then sent it to impellers at each wheel.

I saw this setup on a Toro reel mower from a golf course. I wonder how it handled in the rough.

