
Turntable Motor control

Try Sealmasters:-
They can supply o-rings in every size you can possibly imagine and their prices are excellent.
They also make some other seals with different cross- sections that might be interesting to try as drive belts....
Craig, you may indeed struggle to get them to sell a low-value item like a an O ring to a private buyer, in industry these things are cheap as chips. You will find trade catalogues with various rings of different gaugeand length, usually sold by 100s, for loose change. For people like us who don't flinch at handing over £5+ for a drive belt, this is a surprise. Think it over though, a belt for an LP12 *is an ELASTIC BAND*. What's it genuinely worth, even factoring in a decent margin to make it worthwhile selling it?

Engineering designers design their systems around things that are readily available. My recommendation would be to source a belt, O ring, or whatever, of the right size then design your pulleys round that. Bear in mind that Rega engineer their players to go *slightly* faster than 33.3, apparently this makes them sound sweeter.

I have nearly compleated the armageddon clone, but I am still trying to find out about a the bearing. Dont relly want to buy a thorens TD150/160?? and break it up........any ideas??
Right, the main bearing is one of the most important parts of a TT, and one of the most difficult to make from scratch. They require precision engineering equipment that few people have access to, but there is one (very, very good) bearing that should be within the capabilities of anyone with no precision machinery at all, just a simple pillar drill and a bit of ingenuity.
Do a Google search for the Well Tempered 5 point bearing. As a starter look on the US patents page where there is all the information you will require, then let me know what you think.

One small suggestion for a cheap motor unit is to experiment with people's ideas on using a floppy drive motor - you can find these on the street, the rest of the computer will be stripped out but no-one wants to keep the floppy drive!

Have a look at some projects here:

That will save you £42 on the motor!

By the way, does anyone know if the £42 Premotec motor is actually any different to their cheaper ~ £25 motors? They claim that the £42 one is designed specifically with turtables in mind, quieter running etc but is this just marketing hype to get people who are unsure to pay almost double? I am suspicious but unsure enough to almost go along with their hype.. (need new motor for PT Export).


