
Tuner lightning protection


pfm Member
I am starting this to avoid diverting the broken NAT 01 thread.
In professional communications we normally fit antenna cables with lightning protectors.
I never see these used on VHF tuners.
These are usually the quarter wave stub type, which at VHF FM means a a TEE on the down lead with a spur of about 50cm of decent coax, shorted at the end. The end should be connected to earth, which I suppose would be the hard part for most people and would possibly create an earth loop.
If 1.21 GW hits your antenna I really don’t see what use a stub would be.

Living next door to a church is probably more effective.

Or disconnect the thing when it’s stormy.
If you have the highest house around, you want a proper air termination ( lightning rod/conductor ). The induced current from a strike to that to your aerial is still enough to fry your HiFi if you don't use surge protectors.
If I remember my O level physics correctly, the purpose of a lightning conductor is to prevent lightning from striking the tall building. My Physics Master said they ought not be called "conductors" but "preventors". My memory is that the theory of the spiked high earthed rod has a high opposite charge to that of the atmosphere which neutralizes it to prevent a sudden catastrophic discharge.
Not really, the air termination is designed as part of the building lightning protection system to provide a safe path to earth. There are plenty of detailed guides on the Net from companies like Dehn.. The detailed shape of the lightning "rod" is unimportant, it is the height that matters.
Good reason to use a loft aerial. Note that many TV signal boosters I have seen do not go down to FM frequencies

Best protection is unplugging when lightning is forecast. I unplug mains and aerials along with phone, broadband and computer.
I was playing golf yesterday and on the 4th green there was an enormous flash of lightning that forked down to ground behind the club house a few hundred yards away. It’s thunder was simultaneous.

You’ve never seen four unfit 60 year olds leg it so fast to get off the course!

