
Trousers - a middle-aged f**t complaint

I buy some trousers from More expensive than the High St, but lot less expensive than custom made. Beautiful packaging when they arrive too.

They are not made-to measure - but they are made-to-fit and seem (for me at least) to do really well. I have a small bottom that any High St. trousers falls off with 'orrible rear droop. Not these.
You log on, give up some measurements and body type and off you go.
I’m currently a bit overweight but I can thankfully still get into a 32 waist pair of jeans. My problem, at least with cheap supermarket stuff, is there are very seldom any long enough (34)! The local Asda is usually full of remarkably wide and short jeans! I should really buy some decent stuff at some point, but I just have no interest in clothes beyond stuff fitting, being comfortable and easy to wash. I hate clothes shopping, it stresses the crap out of me as I don’t understand it! If a pair of jeans is black and 32/34 they’ll do. It’s been my buying criteria since about 1980. I got too fat a decade or so ago. I’ve largely reversed that now, but it really is an ongoing battle.

100% agree with you. Clothes shopping is a massive PITA. Can't stand it.
A long time ago, around the time Mick P fell in a pond or lake (best thread ever), I’m sure he mentioned having some boot cut denim jeans tailor-made.

I have cackled loudly at this thread several times. I think I only cackled at the Mick thread once. I've also read some choice bits of this one out to my wife - I think that's a 1st on PFM.

So I have to say that the MP pond thread has been relegated to #2.
I’m so used to jeans I find light clothing odd, plus I hate that they never have good pockets (and make you look like a smackhead).

Not often I find myself aligned with TonyL.

A long time ago, around the time Mick P fell in a pond or lake (best thread ever), I’m sure he mentioned having some boot cut denim jeans tailor-made. Possibly not Mick...


Being a perfectly average size, all kinds of trousers almost always fit me just fine. The only thing I’m never sure of is how much selvedge jeans will grow or shrink if washed or not, or sanforised or not, and all that snazzzz.

Have you got a license for that top?
Shopping for clothes has never been easier, I do recommend ‘Thread’ which is a stylist based service where you can tailor choices to your preferences. Not caring about appearance is just giving up, have some pride people.
Well, as the OP I'm lucky in that at 58 I haven't put on much weight over the years and have a 34 inch waist (actually, a 33 waist, which might be part of the problem). The issue is always that when trousers have comfortable legs (not the wet suit fit so beloved of youth and designers), the waist and seat are huge, and vice versa. Several somewhat threadbare 20 year old suits I have testify to how the cut of trousers has changed over the years. And, as I said in the OP, a short drop is as good as being throttled (no wonder the birth rate is declining). I'll certainly investigate the suggestions left here. I've tried GAP and their sizes must be suited to the US market (i.e., 34 = 36"): 34 and 33 are way to big and 32 is too small....

I've just visited Cordings in London as they are one of the few retailers that sell trousers with a 'vintage' cut (i.e., one that fits), and bought two pairs of corduroys. They also do excellent shirts and as one satisfied customer busy buying shirts while I was there commented: 'the trouble is no-one makes shirts these days for beer drinkers', before buying 5 or 6 of the things.

I look forward to retirement, when I can slob around in baggy trousers with impunity.
I don't give much of a f**k about 'appearance' most of the time. Warm enough and clean is enough.

I still have strong memories from the 1960s, when someone like me, with long hair and vaguely 'hippyish' or 'beat' clothing, was frequently unfavourably compared with some bloke with hair grease, a cheap suit, badly knotted tie, black greasy collar. and shiny arsed pants... The fact that my clothes were clean and I didn't smell was lost on many.

Nowadays I mostly only meet people who know me as a friend, acquaintance,neighbour or regular customer... If they haven't figured that I'm 'OK' by now then me donning poncy clothing won't help.

I may up my game slightly if 'going out'..though that's not really happening at present.

Indoors, and in my garden..all depends season or temperature and all bets are off. Those who choose to peer over the fence and don't like what they see..have only themselves to blame..:p
Personally I find there’s very little less attractive than overly large men wearing ‘designer’ or ‘sporting’ jogging bottoms around town. We all know that their ‘Gucci’ sweatpants are snide copies probably bought on Facebook marketplace or at a car-boot. Particularly appealing is the Asda-chic look of grey sweat pants and black leather shoes. Often to be seen in my local Asda. The dubious stains to be seen on some makes you wonder just how often they change their trolleys [shudders]
Personally I find there’s very little less attractive than overly large men wearing ‘designer’ or ‘sporting’ jogging bottoms around town. We all know that their ‘Gucci’ sweatpants are snide copies probably bought on Facebook marketplace or at a car-boot. Particularly appealing is the Asda-chic look of grey sweat pants and black leather shoes. Often to be seen in my local Asda. The dubious stains to be seen on some makes you wonder just how often they change their trolleys [shudders]

weird fascination with men's groins?

