
Transformer Tappings.

Sid and Coke

and so the rebuild continues..
I am in the middle of constructing a little DIY project, it is a clone of the MF X-PSU. I bought all the bits ages and ages ago ,even though now I'm not convinced that the X-PSU actually does anything sonically, i thought i'd throw it together.

The transformer I am using is from RS and is a Nuvo-therm Taledo toroidal 230 :12 + 12. I only really need one set of secondaries, although the second set would come in usefull if i decide to add a second 12VAC output at a later date. what should i do with the other set, just leave them disconnected and termintate the ends safely ?

You could as you say leave them unconnected as long as they are terminated safetly. No problem at all with doing this.

Or, you could wire both the secondaries in parallel. Carefull to get them in phase though ;)

Cheers for that. I went for safely terminating them using a 'choc-a-block' terminal block. I may well use this second set of tappings to power my X-Can at some point in the future. The Tranny was well marked for all the connections, but i thought i'd ask anyway.

I have configured this little PSU with the Primary permanently on and just switched the secondary. The primary side of things is protected using a standard 13 amp fuse, i opted to protect the secondary to the X-LPs with a seperate samller fuse (1 amp, time delay)
Magnets, inductors and the like are weird. I was still seeing 12 vac at the outputs even though the switch was open. when i connected the psu to my X-LPs phono stage though it didn't come on until i switched the PSU on, obviously there was a potential difference but it was unable to carry any current until the switch was closed.

Bottom line; Another little DIY project out of the way and it seems to work a treat. I also made a very posh looking woven wire power lead for it. Now i know it all works satis I'll tidy a few loose ends up and post some pictures on my online photo album in due course.

