
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Right-wing troll Isobel Oakeshott is suggesting “literally hundreds” have joined Farage’s Reform UK “party” since Sunak announced (Twitter). If true it could be a good indicator the Tory racist vote is not too happy about something. I don’t think Farage stands a hope in hell in the ‘red wall’ now, but his presence will certainly alter some ballot numbers, just as they did last time.

PS I’ve argued many times before that a lot of the total Labour vote collapse under Corbyn in deprived working class northern areas was actually down to Farage/Banks buying and discarding enough votes under our failed FPTP system. They never came even remotely close to taking a seat, but they took Labour’s racist vote off the table which allowed the Tories in.
One of the few positives about Sunak is that his support amongst MPs was so large and broad that he doesn't have to, and indeed can't, 'reward' them all with Government appointments. I would hope, as a bare minimum, that he dispenses with the services of Braverman, Rees-Mogg and Coffey.

He can also do more or less what he likes, and doesn't need the support of the ERG. If the ERG decide to force an issue, he can say 'Fine, I'll call a General Election and most of you will be out of a job'.
Right-wing troll Isobel Oakeshott is suggesting “literally hundreds” have joined Farage’s Reform UK “party” since Sunak announced (Twitter). If true it could be a good indicator the Tory racist vote is not too happy about something.

Interestingly, he's also been peddling the "it's not democratic" line, only he's claiming it was about globalists taking over. Maybe some Tory Party members have jumped ship because being a paid up member is a waste of money and effort if a group of men in grey suits can defenestrate their democratically chosen leader and replace without a ballot.

Or maybe, they have an issue with the leader being a non-Christian son of migrants.
JRM to be Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Boris for Work and Pensions
Shapps for Digital Culture, Media and Sport
Interestingly, he's also been peddling the "it's not democratic" line, only he's claiming it was about globalists taking over.

I haven't been following very closely but I see lots of right-wing types going on about 'globalists' on Twitter.

Who are these globalists and what are they supposed to be up to?
That speech of his was 2 min. too long. It sounded like the Truss robotic software was having difficulty transferring to a new platform.
Truss' resignation speech... Tried to copy Johnson by quoting a Roman, stumbled over the name. Can't even prepare for a speech properly. Truly the human hand grenade.
Thinking about Mogg and his lifetime role as Minister for Brexit Opportunities. I see this as a 'ceremonial' role with a £4.99 annual administration fee to cover any non-privileges it fails to confer.
Truss' resignation speech... Tried to copy Johnson by quoting a Roman, stumbled over the name. Can't even prepare for a speech properly. Truly the human hand grenade.

"Properly crackers." According to Cummings when she announced.
The BBC is currently telling me that Sunak cannot understand the predicament of the people because he has 14 houses.
We should have an election which will give us Starmer as a leader.
He's only got 4 houses and is therefore much more in touch with the common people.
Thinking about Mogg he should be re-appointed Minister for Brexit Opportunities for life and made to walk about with a briefcase containing one piece of blank A4.
More importantly I really hope this is ditched with him:

Indeed. This is extremely concerning.

I wonder what @eternumviti thinks of this? Surely this is enough to give pause for thought about what Brexit is doing to the UK?
Globalist = someone not white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant.

Like Tony Blair.....

The BBC is currently telling me that Sunak cannot understand the predicament of the people because he has 14 houses.
We should have an election which will give us Starmer as a leader.
He's only got 4 houses and is therefore much more in touch with the common people.

Not sure who would be worse, Sunak or Starmer.
Globalist = someone not white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant.

I asked Wiki and it told me "New World Order (conspiracy theory), which espouses that malicious agents (sometimes called "globalists") are attempting to form a world government".

So it's tinfoil hat David Ike reptilian overlord stuff then. Oh dear.
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