
Tory corruption & sleaze (lobbying, second jobs, dodgy contracts etc)

I listened to Deadringers last night (Radio 4). It was an unrelenting satirical attack on “the party that didn’t happen” debacle. Someone should force Boris to listen to it.
They’re getting desperate, never mind the sleaze -feel the patriotism.

“Tories urge BBC to return to playing the National Anthem on television in the middle of the night to increase 'unity and pride in our nation'

At culture questions today, Mr Rosenidell - sporting a Union Jack lapel badge - asked: 'I know the minister will agree that the singing of the national anthem is something that provides great sense of unity and pride in our nation.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries could be heard saying 'fantastic' and Culture Minister Chris Philp told MPs: 'We fully support the signing of the national anthem, Her Majesty the Queen and other expressions of patriotism - including the flying of the Union Jack”.

( Daily Mail)
They’re getting desperate, never mind the sleaze -feel the patriotism.

“Tories urge BBC to return to playing the National Anthem on television in the middle of the night to increase 'unity and pride in our nation'

At culture questions today, Mr Rosenidell - sporting a Union Jack lapel badge - asked: 'I know the minister will agree that the singing of the national anthem is something that provides great sense of unity and pride in our nation.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries could be heard saying 'fantastic' and Culture Minister Chris Philp told MPs: 'We fully support the signing of the national anthem, Her Majesty the Queen and other expressions of patriotism - including the flying of the Union Jack”.
( Daily Mail)

I remember as a kid having to stand up and sing the National Anthem before the film started at the Mini Minors Saturday morning screening. I was in a cinema in Thailand about ten years ago and had to do the same for their King.
So. Where do the transcripts of Whatsapp messages (a ‘secure’ messaging service) come from? Surely messages between Johnson and Brownlow were impenetrable. Or was it done when he changed his phone?
They make it easy to be conspiracy theorists, with this much stuff to go on

edit : sorry, maybe this should have been in the ‘Johnson is a cnut’ thread, but it’s difficult to decide
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I remember as a kid having to stand up and sing the National Anthem before the film started at the Mini Minors Saturday morning screening. I was in a cinema in Thailand about ten years ago and had to do the same for their King.
I remember the mad rush to get out of the cinema after a film finished before the national anthem started.
I remember the mad rush to get out of the cinema after a film finished before the national anthem started.
I vaguely remember this being one of the reasons cited for not playing it. The mad rush was considered disrespectful so best stopped altogether.
The Tories have obviously screwed Wales with their far-right nationalist Brexit project. Much of Wales relied on EU subsidies, both the poorer post-industrial areas still suffering from Thatcher’s legacy, and the many farming communities. Many so daft they voted for Brexit without realising it would bankrupt them, especially the latter who have never been economically viable and relied entirely on EU subsidy and cheap imported labour. The Tories have utterly ruined Wales and they’ve done so without even setting foot in the place.

English people living in Wales tilted it towards Brexit, research finds
Areas of Wales with big English communities had larger leave vote in 2016, according to study

