
Tomlinson cop not guilty

I trust the Met have fired the bugger at least?

He will apparently be subjected to a Met investigation. But I doubt that will lead to his dismissal.

There is still the likelihood of a civil case being brought by Tomlinson's family.

It was in all senses the best verdict.

I expect the police to protect me, my family and my property. They in turn must be given leeway to do their job. The man did not behave as a model citizen and a reasonable level of force was used to control a wild situation.

It is all very easy to sit in front of a pc delivering your own verdict, but when you are in situ trying to control a rabble, you have to make instant decisions and in this context the policemans actions were appropriate.

The outcome was inevitable.


Yes, but within reason.

The really important question is why was this man allowed to be re-employed by the met with his form? He was a ticking bloody time bomb.

Yes I expect the police to protect us & our families. But I also expect the buggers not to re-employ borderline psychopaths to do it!


It was in all senses the best verdict.

I expect the police to protect me, my family and my property. They in turn must be given leeway to do their job. The man did not behave as a model citizen and a reasonable level of force was used to control a wild situation.

The outcome was inevitable.


Mick you've cast doubt on your own intelligence in many contributions but this takes the prize. Some night when you are in your cups walking innocently into a disturbance in Spain and a policeman uses enough force on you to result in your heart stopping or a head injury leading to death and he says Mr.P**** was not behaving as a model citizen and I used appropriate force in a wild situation.....

What is going to happen next is that you and everyone lose are going to be paying up for the considerable compensation awarded against the Met in the ensuing civil damages.
That uniformed oik has damaged the reputation of British policing and the city of London in front of the world.
Because it's completely bloody irrelevant. The trial was for manslaughter for his unlawful killing, not for the completely unrelated biographical detail of his life. Unless you think the fact that someone has a drink problem is fair grounds for killing him.The issues here are really really clear.

well said

It was in all senses the best verdict.

I expect the police to protect me, my family and my property. They in turn must be given leeway to do their job. The man did not behave as a model citizen and a reasonable level of force was used to control a wild situation.

It is all very easy to sit in front of a pc delivering your own verdict, but when you are in situ trying to control a rabble, you have to make instant decisions and in this context the policemans actions were appropriate.

The outcome was inevitable.


Have you ever thought of being police man Mick?

We'd all be dead.
Mick you've cast doubt on your own intelligence in many contributions but this takes the prize. Some night when you are in your cups walking innocently into a disturbance in Spain and a policeman uses enough force on you to result in your heart stopping or a head injury leading to death and he says Mr.P**** was not behaving as a model citizen and I used appropriate force in a wild situation.....

What is going to happen next is that you are going to be paying up for the considerable compensation awarded against the Met in the ensuing civil damages.
That uniformed oik has damaged the reputation of British policing and the city of London in front of the world.


OK we disagree, it's no big deal. I am more than happy with the verdict.

The left are too quick to demonise the police, the right to quick to lionise them.
I feel that probably the best attitude is somewhwere between those extremes.

The buggers have an impossible job to do, & mostly they do OK.

But when they don't, they don't big style.


It was in all senses the best verdict.

I expect the police to protect me, my family and my property. They in turn must be given leeway to do their job. The man did not behave as a model citizen and a reasonable level of force was used to control a wild situation.

It is all very easy to sit in front of a pc delivering your own verdict, but when you are in situ trying to control a rabble, you have to make instant decisions and in this context the policemans actions were appropriate.

The outcome was inevitable.


I declare the pfm Oylmpics officially open. First event is The Epic Fail, & Mick takes gold.
All the information you need is on film and has been showed repeatedly.

It isn't really. From a snippet of film like that, with zero context, it's easy to think you know something about what went on but you don't. You don't know anything about what has lead up to those moments, what the police have been dealing with for hours, even what was said between parties at the time.

If we want to repeatedly put police officers in highly stressful situations where they are in harm's way and have to make difficult decisions on the spot it is essential they are given the benefit of the doubt when things go wrong. If we start sending policemen to jail every time they make a mistake pretty soon you'll have big problems getting anyone with a brain to do the job. They're doing a hard job and you need to cut them a bit of slack.

Yes, a man died, yes, that is tragic but in bad situations sometimes bad things happen. The policeman is not a murderer. He had no intention of killing the guy. Under normal circumstances shoving someone would not result in their death. The police officer could not have known about Tomlinson's health issues and perhaps did not pick up on the fact he had his hands in his pockets. He made a split-second mistake in a highly-charged situation and to talk about him as if he were a murderer is disgusting.

It's easy to take the high ground and rain down condemnation on policemen or soldiers whenever they get it wrong but perhaps before you do you should ask yourself if you'd do their job? Would you take the risks they take, the abuse they take, walk the tightrope they walk? Because if you've never done it and are not prepared to I reckon you should shut the **** up about things you know nothing about.
72 people killed by terrorists in the UK since 1990. 1440 have died following contact with the police. Police 20 times more lethal, nuff said c$nts
I reckon you should shut the **** up about things you know nothing about.

Then you reckon wrong.

You can't stop people having an opinion.....and people WIll have an opinion when some one dies at the hands of the police.

Yes, they have tricky job but thats what they are trained and paid for to do. (not to kill people)
72 people killed by terrorists in the UK since 1990. 1440 have died following contact with the police. Police 20 times more lethal, nuff said c$nts

Are you thick or something? You do know what it is that the police do?

When you are watching TV of an evening they are where the sh** is. They are spending ninety-percent of their time with the ten-percent of the population everyone else is trying to avoid. The drug addicts, drunks, thugs, crash victims, suicidals and nutters. Most of those people were going to die anyway, the police are just...there.
Yes, a man died, yes, that is tragic but in bad situations sometimes bad things happen. The policeman is not a murderer. He had no intention of killing the guy. Under normal circumstances shoving someone would not result in their death. The police officer could not have known about Tomlinson's health issues and perhaps did not pick up on the fact he had his hands in his pockets. He made a split-second mistake in a highly-charged situation and to talk about him as if he were a murderer is disgusting.

Ah that's o.k. then, as long as he didn't mean to do it, no harm done. Would you feel the same if that was a friend of yours or a member of your family?

Split second decision, I don't think so. They're police officers, they're supposed to be trained in highly charged situations. This guy is a bully and nothing more.

