
Tidal tier consolidation

That’s good news, I use Spotify and looking to try Tiday for hi-res, has anyone ported their playlist from Spotify to Tidal?
That’s good news, I use Spotify and looking to try Tiday for hi-res, has anyone ported their playlist from Spotify to Tidal?
Yep, songshift works perfectly. The free version is limited to a a set number of songs but by and large it’s enough.
This is great news. Caused me to look for the email that I missed. Came under a virtually non used email address lol! Has confirmed my account fee will be chopped in half come April 👍 😆 Now have two streaming accounts for the price of one, Grreeeaattt.
I have used Qobuz in the past and found it difficult to navigate to get things played . Gave up as it was not being used . Spotify was okay but the sound quality was not great . I had a three month trial with Tidal for £2 which ran through the change over in April . Sound quality for the CD level is good and the odd HiRes is a bonus . Will keep this for a few months at prudential after the Maverick Show so I can get most of any music requests but must admit I do not use it that much .

