
Things to do on a day out in Manchester

I’d like to remove Band On The Wall from my recommended venues list. Went to see Courtney Barnett t’other week with work colleagues in our Album Group. First time since the latest refurb after having to pull out of several gigs because of ill health. Really liked the last refurb. This is a disaster. Main venue is just a bigger black box and has lost all character. The lovely light Picture House bar is now no more. It’s just a horrid smaller black box with a stage. One of the more characterful venues now may as well be Manchester Academy.

Unexpectedly great gig and young Chloe Slater as the support has some promise but I left there genuinely angry at how they’ve been allowed to ruin one of Manchester’s more characterful venues.
Well a 2 days in Manchester has been and gone. Liam Gallagher and support were OK, the co-op live venue is too big and a bit meh. Transport to and from was efficient and easy. Marshals, and crowds were exceptionally kind and helpful to a middle aged bloke with mobility issues and a walking pole...

We didn't really take to Manchester as a place to be honest. Can't quite put my finger on it, but it didn't get get under our skin like Birmingham has. It may not have helped that I was unwell on Wednesday night, projectile vomiting all night in our hotel in London, then a train to Manchester first thing on Thursday. I wasn't able to eat properly until Saturday. Most our plans of things to do and places to eat were abandoned - we managed the open top tourist bus which we enjoyed and was very informative. The building and development work looks unplanned, and makes the city look ugly. I would have liked to have walked round the quays or along some of the canals but i wasnt feeling 100%

The science museum was interesting, we arrived to see a demo of the spinning machines in the textile area. We chatted to the bloke looking after tge replica Baby, he was enthusiastic but didn't know anything. People were friendly and helpful, some were way more aggressive than we encounter in London.

At breakfast on Friday, someone walked into the hotel restaurant area and swiped the handbag from the mother and daughter from Holland...they had a good look at Louise's but knows better (learnt in London, Barca and KL).

We went to 1 pub (Seven Oaks) , where I sat nursing a pint of water, but we did have a really interesting conversation with some regulars. I didn't last that long though.

We were impressed by the public transport system, the free bus routes are great, and the trams seem efficient.

We won't be back to the co-op live, maybe another venue - we would probably give Manchester another go
Yes but did you find the secret.... sorry, I'll let it go :D :D
We chatted to the bloke looking after tge replica Baby, he was enthusiastic but didn't know anything.

That surprises me greatly. I’m on that team and most of us have taken a soldering iron to the thing! It was built and is run entirely by the volunteer team, most are ex-IT guys or electronics engineers, many of the former from ICL. There really is some incredible knowledge on that team.

