
The Who Uncut Mag cd.


pfm Member
November edition of Uncut magazine includes a cd of 10 tracks from the new Whos Next Life House release , also exclusive from Tesco a poster and lowdown on all there albums.
Stirring the pot here… did the Who ever make a “great” album? I think of them as one of the all time great singles bands, much prefer their output to the Beatles or Stones, but even ‘Who’s Next’ doesn’t completely convince me (ducks)
Stirring the pot here… did the Who ever make a “great” album? I think of them as one of the all time great singles bands, much prefer their output to the Beatles or Stones, but even ‘Who’s Next’ doesn’t completely convince me (ducks)
Hard to argue - great singles, patchy albums. I think Who’s Next does qualify as a “greatish” album though ;)
Astonishing live act, great singles band, one great album and 2 or 3 more that come close. However all 3 of these bands often come over like completely different acts.

Looking forward to hearing the 72 live set in the Who's next box. Lots there I already have, although the 4 discs of outtakes and demos will have some gems in. Pete Townsend's demos are often superior to the finished versions.
Who's Next and Who Are You are pretty good front to back, but yeah, a lot of good singles versus great albums.
Doesn’t WHO’s Next have a song about caravanning?

I do like some of their singles but not sure they’ve done a great album. I cannot stand Roger Daltry either.
Stirring the pot here… did the Who ever make a “great” album? I think of them as one of the all time great singles bands, much prefer their output to the Beatles or Stones, but even ‘Who’s Next’ doesn’t completely convince me (ducks)


'The Who sell out', 'Quad', 'Tommy', 'Who's next'........'My Generation'....

'The Who sell out', 'Quad', 'Tommy', 'Who's next'........'My Generation'....
Sorry, all have too much filler for my liking. Nothing wrong with being a great singles band, I’d take the Who’s run of singles against all the Beatles’ work any time. Same with the Small Faces.
Stirring the pot here… did the Who ever make a “great” album? I think of them as one of the all time great singles bands, much prefer their output to the Beatles or Stones, but even ‘Who’s Next’ doesn’t completely convince me (ducks)
Tommy,quad and who's next are near perfect Townshend was/ is a genius
Stirring the pot here… did the Who ever make a “great” album? I think of them as one of the all time great singles bands, much prefer their output to the Beatles or Stones, but even ‘Who’s Next’ doesn’t completely convince me (ducks)
I partly agree, but would like to add: They were one of the all time great live bands.

