
The US Republican Party - A Threat To The World?

Is the US Republican Party a threat to world peace?

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The Republican party would be a danger to "world peace" except that they are currently so batshit mental that we are very unlikely to see a Republican president.

This is a huge problem for America as it leaves them with a dysfunctional Congress and Senate, but as long as someone sensible remains in the Whitehouse I think we are safe.
It all comes down to my old belief that the modern nation-state is the worst invention ever foisted on the world. We get a silly bit of rag to salute, a silly song to sing, saying how great we are, and we are expected to go forth and fight and die for for this entity and its purported glory/honour/worthiness/divine ordination. And all of these nation-states are the same - perceived national interest trumps everything every time.


how will we ever protect ourselves from terrorismif people are allowed to say radical things like that?

The UK was never really a world power but unlike the yanks it only takes a few to do something that would require 1000's of spams. This was why the Navy was able to dominate the Oceans with a relatively small highly trained and organised fleet.

Perhaps the US just has sour grapes because they have to throw resource at everything compared to a tiny little island.

Britain was very definitely a world power, in fact THE world power, until eclipsed by the US. Its navy was not small, it was enormous. Ever heard of the British Empire on which the sun never set?
Anyone anywhere or any club, party etc said they were the answer to world peace then I would be very concerned. No one man, party or club could offer world peace because they don't know how.
I wonder if the wording of the thread title doesn't exhibit a similar lack of precision as would have been the case had the title read "Islam - A Threat to the World?".

It seems to me that both Islam and the GOP are tarred with brushes created for them by extremely vocal and active minority factions and where the majorities - in both cases - are just too apathetic to take enough action to nullify the damage being caused to the whole.

In the case of the Republicans, the cross they have to bear is the Tea Party faction who appear willing to take down the entire country if they can't get their way. Sort of like "party political suicide bombers"...

The "gentleman" whose picture appeared in an earlier post - a "Cruz Missile" where the guidance system is screwed but, unfortunately, the nuclear warhead seems to be 100% functional - is a case in point. His Tea Party connections are strong and he has demonstrated a gleeful willingness to indulge in "Brinkmanship" as a first-strike weapon. With his recent announcement to stand as a candidate in the next US presidential election, the backing of the Tea Party should provide more-than-adequate campaign funding to help him along into the short-strokes. God help this planet if his campaign is ultimately successful and moves into Oval Office...

On balance then, the failure of the Republican Party as a whole to bring this radical faction under control is where their culpability lies - the real culprits are the radicals - with "Cruz Missile" being probably the most dangerous.

A Threat To The World? Definitely!!

The greater "US Republican Party" as a whole? Not so sure...

(I believe that a fairly large proportion of their support base exists due to the broader party position on very emotive issues such as religion and gun control and has little or nothing to do with any aspect of the real merits of the Republican Party political manifesto - emotional and not rational support).

"The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953, masterminded by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project) and backed by the United Kingdom (under the name 'Operation Boot').[3][4][5][6]

One of many foreign disasters brought upon us by the brothers Dulles, one who was Secretary of State under Eisenhower, and the other was head of the CIA. We'll be paying for the hubris of the Dulles brothers for another century or more.
The Republican party would be a danger to "world peace" except that they are currently so batshit mental that we are very unlikely to see a Republican president.

This is a huge problem for America as it leaves them with a dysfunctional Congress and Senate, but as long as someone sensible remains in the Whitehouse I think we are safe.

The election map makes it appear unlikely for the GOP to regain the Presidency, but the Democrats have all their eggs in one very vulnerable basket - Hillary Clinton. If she goes down before the election, and "they" are gunning for her from multiple angles, the Democrats have no one electable in reserve. The GOP, on the other hand, have an embarrassment of riches as far as possible candidates go.

Jeb Bush is the GOP front-runner, and he's a fellow-traveler with the Neo-Cons. He was a member of the Neo-Con organization PNAC (Project for a New American Century), whose primary concerns are American world hegemony and Israeli security. So he believes in a very interventionist foreign policy, and that "democracy" can be enforced at gunpoint.
Jeb Bush is the GOP front-runner, and he's a fellow-traveler with the Neo-Cons. He was a member of the Neo-Con organization PNAC (Project for a New American Century), whose primary concerns are American world hegemony and Israeli security. So he believes in a very interventionist foreign policy, and that "democracy" can be enforced at gunpoint.

Jesus wept!
apart from a few fringe social issues, there isn't really much difference between these two controlling parties. as for war/peace/oppression, if you look at the facts, uncle obama has been worse than bush on many counts, possibly overall.

Most of that resonates with me. Except the ponies, but I love my trek, so perhaps that will follow in time? As I mature...? :D

I was thinking about Portland recently as so much music I love seems to come from there, surely a sign I could feel at home there. However, I wonder if a place which rains so much would truly suit you? Maybe more sun is a consideration? Mind you, looking at where you are...

Beats 12 months of the year here. It's been blizzards and driving rain here.

I have so little stuff now. All my clothes fit in a satchel, no books I would keep, no records to lug about. No media. Everything else is fixed down or could be sold or stored. We could just walk away from the house tomorrow and it would tick over. Maybe remote check on it via interwebs... Or rent... I like the idea of renting as I can use the income to pay for rent.

Seattle is pretty darn wet too, and most of my friends are there having moved out of SF after they made their pile, i have friends in San Fran, Santa Cruz Portland, Washintons State and DC as well as upstate NY where friends have sparely started small businesses. Ellie has relatives in Atlanta Geowgeear. I have a good friend breeds some of the best horses in Missouri.

The second best thing about living coast side in America (next to giving us ponies) without doubt is not needing to cook. I didn't have a kitchen when I lived there in the 90s. No espresso machine either. No point. Just pop out.

There are ways around the NHS issues but it will only spark howls of "freeloading scumbag" Which is, after all, what I am...

If the Devialet phantoms are any good, I am sorted.
apart from a few fringe social issues, there isn't really much difference between these two controlling parties. as for war/peace/oppression, if you look at the facts, uncle obama has been worse than bush on many counts, possibly overall.


I guess that you are right. Obama decided to "defrost" weapon to Egypt. This includes F16.
A great move!


how will we ever protect ourselves from terrorismif people are allowed to say radical things like that?


Perhaps there wouldn't be any terrorism. Terrorism (or, if they're perceived to be on the "right" side, resistance), is the traditional weapon of the weak against the strong and dominant. If nobody were strong and dominating anyone else, there'd be no need.
Perhaps there wouldn't be any terrorism. Terrorism (or, if they're perceived to be on the "right" side, resistance), is the traditional weapon of the weak against the strong and dominant. If nobody were strong and dominating anyone else, there'd be no need.

This is interesting. On what are you in person ready to give up in your life in order to balance the powers around the globe? We are all, including those in the very left, enjoying our life, cars, big houses, a lot of beer/whiskey, concerts, movies, shows, expensive journeys, expensive stereo, TV and more. If someone thinks that terrorism is because of the imbalance - he must declare (and do) on what he is ready to give up for the poor people. Otherwise I think it is all talks to the air without any real meaning. Politically correct, nice words - but nothing serious.

This is interesting. On what are you in person ready to give up in your life in order to balance the powers around the globe? We are all, including those in the very left, enjoying our life, cars, big houses, a lot of beer/whiskey, concerts, movies, shows, expensive journeys, expensive stereo, TV and more. If someone thinks that terrorism is because of the imbalance - he must declare (and do) on what he is ready to give up for the poor people. Otherwise I think it is all talks to the air without any real meaning. Politically correct, nice words - but nothing serious.


I can dream, can't I?

In any case, Arye, I think you misunderstand me. I mean when a country muscles in on another country, not when there is inequality between countries. My country, Ireland, was subjugated and long dominated by the English. Over the years, the Irish resisted this, and were often brutally put down. But they never stopped trying. The modern "terrorist" movement was really born with the Fenian Movement in the mid-1800s, which led to the 1916 Easter Rising (big party in Dublin next year!) by the Irish Republican Brotherhood, forerunner of the IRA, and then the "Troubles" that led to partition of the island.

The most recent upsurge in IRA terrorism, beginning in 1969, has only recently (substantially) halted. However, the IRA active service volunteers would not see themselves as terrorists, but as soldiers in a war against an occupying power. Unable to confront the British Army directly, they hit "soft" targets, knowing that such a movement need not win, only survive and outlast the opposition. Had the English never subjugated the island, there'd be no need for them.
I can dream, can't I?

In any case, Arye, I think you misunderstand me. I mean when a country muscles in on another country, not when there is inequality between countries. My country, Ireland, was subjugated and long dominated by the English. Over the years, the Irish resisted this, and were often brutally put down. But they never stopped trying. The modern "terrorist" movement was really born with the Fenian Movement in the mid-1800s, which led to the 1916 Easter Rising (big party in Dublin next year!) by the Irish Republican Brotherhood, forerunner of the IRA, and then the "Troubles" that led to partition of the island.

The most recent upsurge in IRA terrorism, beginning in 1969, has only recently (substantially) halted. However, the IRA active service volunteers would not see themselves as terrorists, but as soldiers in a war against an occupying power. Unable to confront the British Army directly, they hit "soft" targets, knowing that such a movement need not win, only survive and outlast the opposition. Had the English never subjugated the island, there'd be no need for them.

Ok, sorry, I didn't understand you.

Many are arguing against the USA that because of its own interests occupies states like it did in Iraq. Many of these, are talking about new cars some are talking about fancy cars.

No one says: I don't want the USA and the UK interfering in other countries because of oil therefore I'm ready to give up my cars.

Perhaps there wouldn't be any terrorism. Terrorism (or, if they're perceived to be on the "right" side, resistance), is the traditional weapon of the weak against the strong and dominant. If nobody were strong and dominating anyone else, there'd be no need.
Here is Benjamin Netanyahu's definition of terrorism:

Terrorism is the deliberate and systematic murder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear for political ends.

He wrote that in 1986.
Beats 12 months of the year here. It's been blizzards and driving rain here.

I have so little stuff now. All my clothes fit in a satchel, no books I would keep, no records to lug about. No media. Everything else is fixed down or could be sold or stored. We could just walk away from the house tomorrow and it would tick over. Maybe remote check on it via interwebs... Or rent... I like the idea of renting as I can use the income to pay for rent.

Seattle is pretty darn wet too, and most of my friends are there having moved out of SF after they made their pile, i have friends in San Fran, Santa Cruz Portland, Washintons State and DC as well as upstate NY where friends have sparely started small businesses. Ellie has relatives in Atlanta Geowgeear. I have a good friend breeds some of the best horses in Missouri.

The second best thing about living coast side in America (next to giving us ponies) without doubt is not needing to cook. I didn't have a kitchen when I lived there in the 90s. No espresso machine either. No point. Just pop out.

There are ways around the NHS issues but it will only spark howls of "freeloading scumbag" Which is, after all, what I am...


If the Devialet phantoms are any good, I am sorted.

If you take my advice you'll go further north to BC Canada. I lived there for 5 years on Vancouver Island and regret leaving ever since. Again a bit wet, but a superb place to live and full of Canadians too:D

