
The unofficial "purposeless" film thread

Couldn't watch it all the way through without falling asleep. Scorsese-lite I thought, Mockney shite when I was being less polite.

-- Ian
wheres vuk said:
Crash: this one's generated some noise. enjoyable, but not great. another one of those lets follow the half-dozen characters ...

Yeah, inclined to agree. I watched this a few nights ago - not as deep as it was made out to be IMO.

I just finished watching Waiting For Guffman.

There were certainly some good laughs in a guilty Saturday Night Live sort of way (read: irony done with cheese). Goes well with beer.

On deck for this week is You Can Count On Me.
Waiting for Guffman is excellent, especially the alien abduction guy. For some reason, I don't think it ever got a UK release. (For those that don't know, it's the same cast as Spinal Tap/Best In Show/A Mighty Wind, about an amateur theatre company.)

-- Ian
i watched the japanese film fest here.

josee the tiger and the fish(josee to tora to sakana tachi). japanese about a popular university student falling for a crippled, hermit savant girl.

"tony takutani". based on book by haruki murakami. tony is a graphics designer succesful in his own business, his father is a jazzman(trombone), so tony ends up being quirky... in life and in love.

laughing frog(warau kaeru). a woman's husband disappears after embezzling money. years later he reappears as she, and her dysfunctional family are in the process of completing the rebuilding of new lives(and loves)

amida dayori(diary) 'letter from a mountain'. a one-hit wonder writer and his research specialist doctor quit the city and return to his village. like chestnuts in winter.

l'amant(dir. ryuichi hiroki of 'vibrator'). based on a manga series. three guys pay a school girl for a year and have control over her. a bit senseless, but that's how the manga probably is.

on video: 'supersize me'. quite a hilarious docudrama on the evils of real life!
Last night I watched "The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys". Quite entertaining, as are most films with miserable one-legged nuns (obviously). Think "Stand By Me" or any other puritan adolescent story... gone all wicked!
Saw Wallace & Gromit - The Were-Rabbit Thursday. Very entertaining.
If you liked the first three W&G movies, you will definitely like this one.

Plus the Madagascar Penguins' short film is a real treat!
Last up on the big screen : Serenity

I loved it. I'm fearing for my mind at this point, but I REALLY enjoyed it.

Last up on the smaller screen : Hero

Stylishly done, a bit twistier than your average film like this. Better than Tiger/Dragon, imo.
Dogville at home last night. I've been putting off watching this on account of the length of the film. Silly me. It's very well done technically. Brilliant, even. A film about how violence breeds itself.
I saw "In Good Company" last night. The main reason being that a colleague is related to pretty Scarlett Johansson (third cousin, or something like that).

I watched "Erin Brokovich" (there was absolutely nothing on TV other than that), then I watched "Das Boot", but not the movie. I have the original TV series in 6 Episodes and then I watched "Throw Mama from the Train" and then also "Secretary".

Das Boot ist just plain superb! Tension all the way through!

Erin Brokovich was OK, but nothing to get excited about...and I don't like Julia Roberts, so really NOTHING to get excited about ;)

Throw Mama from the Train is simply a classic. Like City Slickers it's a movie you can watch a couple of times (but only on's not a movie you would know that kind?)

Secretary...well, I missed the beginning, but the movie is really funny. I think it's something for those of you who can take strong sexual humour combined with softsex and might like it. I thought it was quite funny. Not something to watch with your family, maybe your mistress if you want her to try something new ;)
Erin Brokovich was OK

The real Erin B was interviewed on Swedish TV some time ago. It seems more or less everything in the film did happen in the real world, including stuff like the nice motor cycle guy.

What wasn't revieled in the movie is that she is dyslectic and therefore doesn't actually read papers, just scan the content in some kind of a graphical way and stores the content in the brain. She can then recall that 'Yeah I saw something about that...(leafing through some papers)... Here it is!". Of course very helpful when you are in the 'let's drown the oponent in papers' world of American lawyers!

She's still working for that small time lawyer firm. Except it's not small anymore.

No, I don't like Julia Roberts much either.

Are you sure you mean dyslexia? That would mean she couldn't read properly or had problems with it. Your comment sounds more like a photographic memory. One is a gift the other a burdon.

Anyhow, in the end, in the movie, she gets $2.8m for the great work she did. My girlfirend and I immediatly thought that wasn't much at all!
After all, the case was worth $333m, the lawyers get 40%=$132m. Even if both law firms split it 50/50, Erin and her boss would have gotten $66m. I would say a paycheck of $10m would be the least she should have gotten. After all, she did all of the work.
That's the one thing that really bothered me about the of course the appearance of Julia Roberts in it ;)....although she did 'push' hard to look good, if you know what I mean :D
We wento see 'Howl's Moving Castle' last night (everyone else had packed into Screen 1 to see 'Wallace & Gromit' so plenty of room for us!)

Howl's Moving Castle is a very good animated fillum, Japanese-nimated, voiced by Hollywood actors (Lauren Bacall, Jean Simmons, Christian Bale) but perhaps 20 minutes or so too long at around 2 hours running time. Mrs H nodded off twice, despite the fillum being her recommendation!
alexgerrard said:
Last up on the big screen : Serenity

I loved it. I'm fearing for my mind at this point, but I REALLY enjoyed it.

I saw this last week and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Get the DVD release of Firefly - the tv series, really excellent viewing the best sci-fi tv series in ages. May already know this but it is well worth getting hold off if you enjoyed the film.
griffo104 said:
I saw this last week and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Get the DVD release of Firefly - the tv series, really excellent viewing the best sci-fi tv series in ages. May already know this but it is well worth getting hold off if you enjoyed the film.

I didn't know about this, cheers. I'll try and track down a copy.
Same characters as well and the film will make even more sense as the series is a precursor to it. Check out, I got it for £15.99 in their sale not so long ago.
Are you sure you mean dyslexia? That would mean she couldn't read properly or had problems with it. Your comment sounds more like a photographic memory. One is a gift the other a burdon.

I remember distinctly that she SAID she had dyslexia. Who knows?


