
The Rise of the Far Right

Ok, I'm getting worried now.
Just watched a tiktok video where apparently an Australian teacher asked a 10 year old child questions about their father's penis.
Lots of people saying they are home schooling because it's getting worse and worse.
I can only think this is fake news, highly exaggerated or the teacher has gone crazy.
What worries me, is no one questions it. Thousands upon thousands or replies saying how disgusting it is.
Attacking teachers is something the right-wing do in the UK, so I did wonder if Rupert Murdoch was involved.

Was also told by someone the other day that pedophila is now legal in Germany. I didn't fancy googling it (I've already had the police at my door for guns), but I don't believe it for one minute.

People just seem to repeat anything without questioning it. And it doesn't seem to matter how crazy it sounds.
Oh, forgot another good one.
Was a told by a guy the other day that the immigrants coming over on boats, are fighting age men that want to take over, and I should seriously think about arming myself.
He said there's going to be a civil war, and he was deadly serious.

I know a number of other people who think the same way.

Not sure how they are going to beat the British army with all their firepower, when they only come over in their clothes and maybe a phone. Crazy talk.
There are a lot of idiots on this planet. Many can be found on social media or the local pub or high st, as can much good intelligent discussion. As ever cross-referencing and fact-checking will help identify which is which.

PS FWIW I just cut anyone with such dumb views loose. Life is too way short.
Ok, I'm getting worried now.
Just watched a tiktok video where apparently an Australian teacher asked a 10 year old child questions about their father's penis.
Lots of people saying they are home schooling because it's getting worse and worse.
I can only think this is fake news, highly exaggerated or the teacher has gone crazy.
What worries me, is no one questions it. Thousands upon thousands or replies saying how disgusting it is.
Attacking teachers is something the right-wing do in the UK, so I did wonder if Rupert Murdoch was involved.

Was also told by someone the other day that pedophila is now legal in Germany. I didn't fancy googling it (I've already had the police at my door for guns), but I don't believe it for one minute.

People just seem to repeat anything without questioning it. And it doesn't seem to matter how crazy it sounds.
Snopes is your friend. Germany changed it's sentencing rules and reduced the mandatory minimum sentence so that children in possession of indecent images don't automatically face a year in prison. Child porn has not been legalised. It's an attempt to allow the police to focus their efforts on the serious abusers.

You're right. The world is full of wingnuts and Tik-Tok seems to be a magnet for them. One reason not to use it.
Snopes is your friend. Germany changed it's sentencing rules and reduced the mandatory minimum sentence so that children in possession of indecent images don't automatically face a year in prison. Child porn has not been legalised. It's an attempt to allow the police to focus their efforts on the serious abusers.

You're right. The world is full of wingnuts and Tik-Tok seems to be a magnet for them. One reason not to use it.
So a sensible rule change then. Not that I believed a word of it.

The thing is, amongst the stupidity, TikTok has a lot of good, informative videos. You just need to follow good people that know their stuff.
The Danes are the Canadians of Europe.

We are no longer quite as nice as how we are portrayed. Too close to the US, and too much has rubbed off. The right wing disease has infected us as well. We have our own wanna be fascist that has a good chance of being the next PM as the one we all had high hopes for has not lived up to said hopes. (as if they ever do)
Anyone interested in how mainstream media normalises the far-right should follow Aurelien Mondon. Here's his latest on Farage, and how our media never learn (mainly because they don't want to):

This - about how a fixation on "populism" benefits the far-right - is also excellent:

The four reasons we should stop using "populism" are:

1. It masks the threat posed by the far-right
2. It exaggerates the strength of the far-right
3. It legitimises far-right politics
4. It blocks democratic progress by distracting us

The whole article neatly summarises the nagging feeling I've had for a while about how the term "populism" is used.
If T Robinson was sent back from whence he came he'd just be another fatberg clogging up the sewer.

From wikipedia: Fatberg - 'a rock-like mass of waste matter'.

Oh dear, seems like Canada isn’t keen on illegal immigrants.

He wasn’t using a false passport again was he? A guest of far right Netanyahu shill Ezra Levant who’s been funding anti-Muslim hate speech operations all over Europe.
Oh, forgot another good one.
Was a told by a guy the other day that the immigrants coming over on boats, are fighting age men that want to take over, and I should seriously think about arming myself.
He said there's going to be a civil war, and he was deadly serious.

I know a number of other people who think the same way.

Not sure how they are going to beat the British army with all their firepower, when they only come over in their clothes and maybe a phone. Crazy talk.
Weird, I heard someone say that in my Local yesterday - not about arming oneself though.
Irony meter needs a good recalibration now!
There is not a laughing emoji big enough for this
His host has whipped up an anti-govt social media storm claiming he’s being politically persecuted and free speech is being denied. Rebel News aren’t pointing out that he’s a multiply convicted criminal who’s barred from the US for entering their country on a false passport. Canada is simply doing due diligence. Hopefully this will be another criminal conviction on is record.

