
The Rise of the Far Right

Didn’t Bowie say he believed “very strongly in fascism”?

Not until the coke took over.

Perhaps Brian Duffy and Pierre Laroche should have thought a bit harder before they appropriated the National Panasonic logo.
This thread regarding a Doctor suspended for attending a peaceful climate protest belongs here. It highlight the sweeping right-wing authoritarianism of our time.

Petition here:

Guardian coverage here:

This thread regarding a Doctor suspended for attending a peaceful climate protest belongs here. It highlight the sweeping right-wing authoritarianism of our time.

Petition here:

Guardian coverage here:

Now look™, chair of the GMC, Dame Carrie MacEwan isn’t going to get her seat in the Lords if she sits on her hands without heeding instruction from Downing St. Another ineffective institution doing very little of value but on the honours merry go round.
Just listening to a podcast on The Crusades.

In it the presenter describes the Crusades as “absolute catnip for the alt right”, which seems true enough.

But it is also a lesson in how the same mixture of political manipulation, lies, appeals to God and bribery, coercion and corruption plays out today in much the same way it did a millennia ago.

It’s also quite funny in places. The 4th crusade is hilarious


Now in England GPs are being advised to not draw bloods for transgender patients instead directing them to use GICs — which are now either closed down so miles away, non existent or nonfunctional. This sort of thing is how it’s been for a while now.

All other countries in the world almost without exception use GPs and equivalent phlebotomy services to draw bloods for lab work. The UK now just ignores all approved trans care protocols. It’s almost as if your institutions are opposed to providing healthcare for trans pe…


