
The Premiership ofLiz Truss. Sept 2022-Oct 2022. New PM time!

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Hmm.. unfortunately, I allowed myself to be distracted by berating some racist ****wit on facebook and failed to respond to a couple of posts in the now closed Truss Premiership thread. Those posts basically traced the current shitshow back to Thatcher, and laid out the argument largely in terms of economic policy, neo this and that etc.
I think there's simpler view if you stand back.
Once the British Empire completed its century long decline and the rest of the world began to assert its economic power, it became clear, not so much that the UK could not compete..because it clearly could, in the absolute sense. What it couldn't do was continue to support the wealthy in their accustomed privilege based on the rape of the empire and the subjugation of the UK population.
The result?
The biggest and most protracted closing down sale in history. Thatcher started by flogging off the family silver. Subsequent Tories have run around in increasing panic, flogging off the furnishings and contracting out those few remaining functions which they couldn't sell...
That which they haven't sold or contracted our, has been neglected. After all..not much point in education or training for e.g., if you are pulling the rug out from those who would employ the result.
All of which, including Brexit, simply leads us to the 'final day....everything must go' phase..which we are in now.
After this appallingly badly managed decline, all that remains is to set up a system to manage the plebs who are left kicking their heels...
The likes of Braverman, Rees Mogg and their anonymous puppet masters are working on that.
Confirmed it will be a vote of membership.
So Braverman or Johnson.
I was wondering if they’d try a vote of the Parliamentary party only, but I suspect there’d be insurrection by the membership if they did. Shame really, that would have been fun.
can’t see that happening in the timescale. Perhaps they will do a Pearson/May replay.

It'll be an MP-only debate ending in a coronation because the others will drop out.

No way this ever gets anywhere near the members.
Is now the time for Charles to act like a King and say you no longer have a mandate go back to the people and have an Election? (When the Tories come to him with the next proposed compromise)
It'll be an MP-only debate ending in a coronation because the others will drop out.

No way this ever gets anywhere near the members.
I wondered that, myself. If it goes to the members, I foresee a raft of spoiled ballots with all the candidate names crossed out and ‘Boris’ crayoned in.
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