
The pfm Lego Investment Challenge

So I built the wild flowers set, plonked it in a vase which was then placed on a coffee table in the lounge. An experiment to see how the three Burmese kitties would take to it.

we both thought that it would be seen as a ”cat toy” and hence ripe for dismemberment and pieces strewn across the floor……

It has been almost totally ignored… wife reckons that Coralee “had a sniff, but meh!”
I enjoyed the Ducati build a lot after Christmas, so have bought a couple more sets recently - the bonsai tree (£26.99) and the Peugeot 9X8 (£97.84).

Looking forward to some quiet time to build them!
So I built the wild flowers set, plonked it in a vase which was then placed on a coffee table in the lounge. An experiment to see how the three Burmese kitties would take to it.

we both thought that it would be seen as a ”cat toy” and hence ripe for dismemberment and pieces strewn across the floor……

It has been almost totally ignored… wife reckons that Coralee “had a sniff, but meh!”

Ziggy dismembered ours - worryingly when I reassembled there was a piece missing. Ziggy has a habit of eating almost anything (plastic, paper, jigsaw pieces etc....) The scene calmed down when we found the missing piece under the sofa.

Marley is obsessed with rubber bands (he chews them) and pens
I just acquired my 11th Modular Building, the Jazz Club. Looking back to my earliest MB sets (all MISB condition), I can see Brick Bank has more than tripled in value, and continues to climb. Overall, my portfolio of roughly 160 sets has appreciated just over 40% over what I paid.
What’s people’s opinion of the Creator range Police Station and Haunted House as an investment. They are about to be retired. I’ve done well with the Parisian Restaurant.
The Modular Building range seem very safe investments, I’ve got Brick Bank, Parisian Restaurant and Jazz Club. I’d expect Police Station to do very well, though Haunted House is a stand-alone isn’t it, rather than Modular Building series? That doesn’t suggest it will do any worse, but I’m not sure I’ve view it as quite as safe.
Thanks Tony
I went for the jazz club and police station along with the Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree:)

