
The Most (insert nationality here) Song Ever

Do I have to name the nation:

To a Swedish ear the Swedish in the Swedish version sounds a bit strange. This was (allegedly) because they had rehearsed it so it should sound English.
A male voice choir for Wales is waaaay out of touch, I like them as much as the next Welsh person but if you want something which best represents modern Wales then it’s between A Design For Life by the Manics, which contains multitudes, and Dafydd Iwan singing Yma O Hyd.

Galling that it’s been adopted by the national team as another mindless singalong (Delilah anyone?) as it started in North East Wales for very logical reasons and, annoying as it has become, we will never forget the meaning.

This was part of an astonishing 20 minutes of continuous pre kick off singing before the match which got us promoted 2 seasons ago after 15 years of pain. Never experienced anything quite like it. I am of course in there but I’m not saying where.

I'm half Irish, or a plastic paddy. We went to Galway on the the Harley a few years ago, and this happened to us (not this video, but very much like it)
After a few bands and singer had, had their go. At the end of the night, a man gets up on the microphone, and says" Please be upstanding for the National anthem"

Everyone stood, (and us of course) it bought a lump to me throat, as I could remember me dad singing it.

But this is what was playing when we walked in

I think this song is also very Irish:

I give you this. Vastly superior and with one of the great evocative lines. “His father’s watch, he left it in the shower.”

It's probably a better song and has better melodies. But as far as iconic Aussie pub songs go, Khe Sanh is as close to our unnoficial National Anthem as you can get, along with Down Under by Men at Work.
That scottish one I don't like by those two nerdy twatty brothers I really don't like. You know the one- apparently you are oblidged to like it if you're scottish. thankfully I can't remember the title or tune right now.


