
The longest most boring song?

Not a song but I remember being bored out of my skull at a Wishbone Ash gig a few years ago.

Whatever their musical merits, back in the day, the incarnation of the band I saw seemed to play nothing but blues-influenced rock.

And they played a lot of it.

Quite good fun for half an hour but, after almost two hours, I was screaming inside.
I saw Philip Glass perform Music In Twelve Parts a while back. Took three hours and there were some pretty long stretches where nothing much happened. I enjoyed it though. Kind of unbelievably boring but meditative and trippy at the same time.
Music In Twelve Parts is amazing, though I’m not sure I’d want to sit through it all in one go. As with all of his sort of stuff exactly who you see playing it really matters. Timing is everything, and far from everyone who think they can play it actually can. I could imagine it sounding like a right monotonous dirge in some scenarios. Einstein On The Beach is the same; I love the original recording (Tomato/CBS), but I heard a much more recent version I felt was awful. I’d have rejected the work had that been my introduction to it.
I defy anyone to endure all 26 minutes of Focus’s ‘Anonymus II’ from Focus III. Starts promisingly enough with some groovy polyrhythmic classical rock and swiftly descends into endless and terrible drum and bass solos. So long, it faded out on side 3 and then back up on side 4.
No yodelling solos in that one? I remember as a kid my cousin had some Focus but I’ve no idea what he had, I just remember the erm, vocalising.
For me - too much from a certain period which inspired this kind of thing:

I love Jazz of many kinds and of all periods - but there's about a solid 40yr gap in my collection for a really, really, really good reason that sounds very-much like this.
Damn this thread. I've got the infernal Elbow dirge song ldged in my head, like an awful earworm disease I pretend isn't there & moan when the banal ner-ner-ner starts up again. Argh! Godammit.

And then when I've rid that, then the Verve ner-ner-ner starts up. Ffs. Damn this thread.
Most of them......

Any track by Maroon 5 or Snow Patrol- and they do not have any long tracks. :)
@Paraheadache Thankfully I can't put a name to it, but sure it's elbow's 'best', on the airwaves the most.

It has -seven- moronic strings notes, going der ner ner ner ner ner ner.. repeating, for around half an hour. And then to add unadulterated abject misery, a bearded dope then -repeats- the same moronic notes in a beige baritone.

Snow Patrol is an excellent choice Tarzan. The words alone/ name of both these dismal bands, along with coldplay, should be 'beige warning' enough.
@Paraheadache Thankfully I can't put a name to it, but sure it's elbow's 'best', on the airwaves the most.

It has -seven- moronic strings notes, going der ner ner ner ner ner ner.. repeating, for around half an hour. And then to add unadulterated abject misery, a bearded dope then -repeats- the same moronic notes in a beige baritone.

Snow Patrol is an excellent choice Tarzan. The words alone/ name of both these dismal bands, along with coldplay, should be 'beige warning' enough.
Don't know about boring songs but for boring posts you're in a league of your own on this thread🥱
I'm surprised a Smiths song hasn't been mentioned. So I'll suggest one. A drone of just 2 chords, deliberately fairly long, with morose singing of limited notes ontop. Surely the perfect recipe for the thread? especially for the legion of Smiths haters..

It's also though, one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard- with unmatched lyrical ability in all of modern music.

It is very, very Brian Eno. I’d love to know what he thought of it and whether it shaped any of his later ambient work at all.

Brian Eno wrote about Metal Machine Music in his 1995 diary, A Year With Swolen Appendices:

Metal Machine Music was released the same week — twenty years ago — as Discreet Music.
Discreet Music soft, calm, melodic and reassuringly repetitive, without a single sound other than tape hiss about 1500 Hz, whereas MMM is as abrasive and unmelodic as possible, with almost nothing below — and yet they occupy two ends of what was at the time a pretty new axis — music as immersion, as sonic experience in which you float.
The roots of Ambient.


Christ, in the chaotic stress of an airport, listening to that continual scratchy noise on track 1 would send me into pure madness! An ironic title, I assume.
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I'm surprised a Smiths song hasn't been mentioned. So I'll suggest one. A drone of just 2 chords, deliberately fairly long, with morose singing of limited notes ontop. Surely the perfect recipe for the thread? especially for the legion of Smiths haters..

It's also though, one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard- with unmatched lyrical ability in all of modern music.

I'm of an age to have been a student when they were in the charts. Hated them then, still can't abide them now. But then I've never understood why anybody want's to listen to depressive/sad music (by which I don't mean all music in a minor key). Last thing I want to listen to when I'm feeling down is music that matches that mood, I will always choose music that's the complete opposite, i.e. upbeat/happy or angry/agressive in such situations.
I'm glad I could oblige Gez! It feels better now to have vented out your pent-up Smiths rage.

I had a friend who came on a family holiday '83, bringing only a cassette of Smiths.. hatful. Boring cover to cassette case. Boring dirge & hateful irritating voice, pansy-light guitars. I was trapped with him playing it quite alot. I loathed it to my core.. so I understand Gez, entirely.


But by the end of this scottish week in July, this odd 'new indie' cassette had grown on me. Not just a smidge too. I fell in love with it, kinda right to my core. Never had any such similar musical experience. Profound- & I'm still just as smitten.

I'm glad I could oblige Gez! It feels better now to have vented out your pent-up Smiths rage.

I had a friend who came on a family holiday '83, bringing only a cassette of Smiths.. hatful. Boring cover to cassette case. Boring dirge & hateful irritating voice, pansy-light guitars. I was trapped with him playing it quite alot. I loathed it to my core.. so I understand Gez, entirely.


But by the end of this scottish week in July, this odd 'new indie' cassette had grown on me. Not just a smidge too. I fell in love with it, kinda right to my core. Never had any such similar musical experience. Profound- & I'm still just as smitten.

Yeah music can be strange that way. I find myself listening to music of the era of my youth that i disliked quite intensely at the time and now I enjoy it. Maybe it's because I find most music today just so inane that even the "trash" from years ago looks good. That said, I think pop music back then at least was more honest, less manufactured (yes even some of the SAW stuff), than todays.

Btw: Hate is a strong word, one I tend to overuse when it's not really hate I feel, just a strong dislike. I've been pulled up on it before by people. Just an FYI :)
@Hazelberry 12:19! I got to 3 mins in & bailed out. Wtf were Albini & co thinking. I mean condense it to 2:30.. & it' a peach! Weird.

Saw them once & the same irritatibility soon kicked in- the crowd got restless & many were groaning & wanted them off. They were support band for.. can't recall possibly Fugazi-? around '95 it was. Aggrevating.

