
The Iraq war.

Martyn Miles

pfm Member
With all this talk of Chilcott, Blair and Bush, don't forget Colin Powell
I well recall the broadcast by the Americans showing all the elements of Saddam Hussain's weapons.
Buildings, other structures and vehicles, etc. all carefully marked as to their purpose.
That C. Powell claiming that Intelligence had marked what each place or vehicle was and its intended use.
S. Hussain's and his Military were no fools. They knew what they were doing.
What amazes me is not only the Americans, but also the British were completely taken in.
Now, I'm not Intelligence Expert, but I do know of someone who was offered a position at MI6 and GCHQ.
She, of course, cannot reveal anything, but you can say a lot by not saying a lot.
Both Britain and America possess some very clever people. Sadly, those clever people are led by the likes of people like George W Bush.
I won't mention any British political leaders. We all have our own brains to work that one out.
Also, since the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States has become a World Bully, especially in Military matters.
Their current President, a man of great intellect, has been emasculated by the established power of the Military Machine.
I see little hope of any change...

Now, I'm not Intelligence Expert, but I do know of someone who was offered a position at MI6 and GCHQ.
She, of course, cannot reveal anything, but you can say a lot by not saying a lot.
"You might think that, I couldn't possibly comment."
The Iraq war was only the start. US Republicans and a tiny ME country now want an Iran war.

Let's hope they don't get it!
The Iraq war was only the start. US Republicans and a tiny ME country now want an Iran war.

Let's hope they don't get it!

I'm sure that you are talking about Yamane that Iran takes control over it in order to threat Saudi Arabia that lowering oil prices in order to hit the Iranian's economy.

As I said many times, your knowledge of the region is simply 0.

Best regards,
I'm sure that you are talking about Yamane that Iran takes control over it in order to threat Saudi Arabia that lowering oil prices in order to hit the Iranian's economy.

As I said many times, your knowledge of the region is simply 0.

Best regards,

I'm talking about the war with Iran that US Republicans and the Likud Party want.

I hope they don't get it. We've seen how damaging the Iraq war, who the same people wanted, was.

600,000 innocent civilians died too.
For what? For whom?
I'm talking about the war with Iran that US Republicans and the Likud Party want.

I hope they don't get it. We've seen how damaging the Iraq war, who the same people wanted, was.

600,000 innocent civilians died too.
For what? For whom?

As I mentioned, it's obvious that you know nothing about this region. It is sad that you find this forum as a place to show again and again your obsessive hate to Israel.

I don't know about the republics in the USA but let me explain to you:
The Hezbollah is warned many times by the Lebanese not to dare to start a war against Israel. They remember what happened in the last war in Lebanon and they saw what happened in Gaza.

Because of the situation in Syria, the Hezbollah started to build infrastructure for terrorism from Syria against Israel (because they can't start it from Lebanon).

Iran, if you don't get it yet, supports international terrorism including the Hezbollah and the Hamas. (Do you know what is happening now in Argentina regarding this?). Iran helps the Hezbollah establishing the terror infrastructure and therefore Israel have all rights to protects itself.

Don't bother to answer me because I don't want to debate with you on this subject - not only you are relying on the heavily biased British "free media" you are looking under the ground for strange and very "objective" sources to support your hate to Israel.


Personally I would keep that to myself. You never know which branch of military intelligence could view your expose and decide it is not in the public interest for this information to be in the public domain.
As I mentioned, it's obvious that you know nothing about this region. It is sad that you find this forum as a place to show again and again your obsessive hate to Israel.

I don't know about the republics in the USA but let me explain to you:
The Hezbollah is warned many times by the Lebanese not to dare to start a war against Israel. They remember what happened in the last war in Lebanon and they saw what happened in Gaza.

Because of the situation in Syria, the Hezbollah started to build infrastructure for terrorism from Syria against Israel (because they can't start it from Lebanon).

Iran, if you don't get it yet, supports international terrorism including the Hezbollah and the Hamas. (Do you know what is happening now in Argentina regarding this?). Iran helps the Hezbollah establishing the terror infrastructure and therefore Israel have all rights to protects itself.

Don't bother to answer me because I don't want to debate with you on this subject - not only you are relying on the heavily biased British "free media" you are looking under the ground for strange and very "objective" sources to support your hate to Israel.


The biggest terrorist group in the world is comprised of those Zionist Neoconservative Republicans that invaded Iraq, and your beloved Likud Party!

Now these same people want to attack Iran thus causing the death of many more thousands of innocent Muslims and the creation of more Islamic terrorists. All to "protect" one little country that creates it's own problems due to its greed and total lack of respect for international law - your beloved terrorist state of Israel!

Well I say no thanks. I don't want to see thousands more innocent Muslims die. I don't want more Islamic terrorists created. I don't want the quality of life in my country to be negatively affected because of actions deemed necessary to protect an aggressive terrorist state. And I don't want you telling me that I shouldn't be saying so on here!
The biggest terrorist group in the world is comprised of those Zionist Neoconservative Republicans that invaded Iraq, and your beloved Likud Party!

Now these same people want to attack Iran thus causing the death of many more thousands of innocent Muslims and the creation of more Islamic terrorists. All to "protect" one little country that creates it's own problems due to its greed and total lack of respect for international law - your beloved terrorist state of Israel!

Well I say no thanks. I don't want to see thousands more innocent Muslims die. I don't want more Islamic terrorists created. I don't want the quality of life in my country to be negatively affected because of actions deemed necessary to protect an aggressive terrorist state. And I don't want you telling me that I shouldn't be saying so on here!


You are waffling on for the sake of it.

The simple truth is that the Palastinians, Israelis, Iraquis, Iranians and all the other groups out there, simply hate each other and just want to wipe each other off the face of the earth. There is no respect or trust for each other and they are incapable of negotiating any form of lasting agreement.

None of them can be trusted an inch, every one of them will sign an agreement and will dishonour it before the ink is dry.

The little children hate the little children of the other side and in a few years from now will be killing each other just as their parents and grandparents have done.

When they get bombed or killed they weep and wail in front of the cameras. If they manage to kill a sizeable number of the enemy, they will dance and cheer in the streets, waving their arms in the air and shouting with glee.

To be frank, this dispute has nothing to do with us, just as it has nothing to do with pfm, me or you.

We have no right to interfere unless they specifically request it and someone like you who repeatedly supports one side simply makes matters even worse.

Your role is the same as everyone else, let them do what they want to do until they eventually either wipe out the other side out or hopefully see sense and do a deal.

You are not one of them and they do not seek your opinion or advice and they do not even seek your support. They will only see you as an interfering Englishman who should learn to keep his mouth shut.

I neither support nor condemn any of them. You, like the British Government should sit back and do nothing until they themselves sort it out. It is their problem, not ours and they should be allowed to sort it out without bystanders like you chipping in.

You would not want them criticising our politics, please have the common decency to return the favour to them.




None of them can be trusted an inch, every one of them will sign an agreement and will dishonour it before the ink is dry.



It's enough to prove that you are wrong once to understand that all your "information" is based on prejudice and not on facts:
There is peace agreement with Egypt, there is peace agreement with Jordan.

Try to invent new "facts".


I would trust Israel to do a deal with the UK because we respect each other.

But even you do not trust your neighbours and they do not trust you and hence deals are never going to last.

There is simply too much hate and it is only a matter of time before another dispute occurs.

You know that as well as me.

In the meantime, I will leave you to bomb the shit out of your neighbour and they will also bomb the shit out of you.

One day, you will grow up and start talking to each other but it will not be in our lifetime.

I just do not want to get involved, it is your problem, you fix it.



