
The Government's Benefit Goon Squad Do A Runner ...


Chelsea, London
There are some encouraging signs that people are fighting back against Cameron and his right wing political thugs.

The French benefits testing firm Atos wants to quit its £500 Million government contract early.

Part of this is due to protests outside its UK offices .

"Atos has become a lightning rod for discontent over the coalition's welfare reforms, which aim to shift more people off social security benefits and into work.

"A third of its decisions were overturned on appeal, amid allegations that people with terminal cancer or other serious illnesses had been denied benefits as a result of its assessments."

I was quite seriously ill at one point and had to go to Atos for an assessment. It was done by somebody with no medical qualifications, who didn't speak English very well. I later got a letter saying I was fit for work.

Meanwhile 27 bishops have slammed Cameron's welfare reforms for creating a national crisis.

It's not all good news though. People stripped of benefits could be charged for challenging the decision.

"The proposal, contained in an internal Department for Work and Pensions document leaked to the Guardian, would hit some of the poorest people in Britain, who have been left with little or no income."

The Tories really love to kick people when they are down.

If the latter happens the UK will have moved one goose-step further towards fascism.


