
The Death of the Vinyl Revival

This place really is full of bitter grumpy old men. Music evolves with every passing generation and what sounds like rubbish to one does not to the other. That doesn't make any music good or bad as that is a judgement solely based on opinion so saying Harry Styles is awful is not true, it's just you don't like his music. I can't stand Phil Collins, but all joking aside I readily except that many like his output and derive enjoyment from it. My opinion is no less valid than theirs, but it's just an opinion and that's all. I think I'm quite lucky as I'm able to still be massively open minded about music and can find things I like in pretty much any genre, yes I even listen to Radio 1 from time to time and I'm sure at the age of 57 I'm not their target demographic, but there is some good stuff in there amongst the rest of it which I often find harder to appreciate. You cannot simply tar an entire genre or radio station's output with the same brush and even then whether you like it or not is only your opinion, it doesn't make it gospel... it's just stupidity to even say it frankly.

What is getting more and more noticeable on pfm is people stating this is rubbish, that is rubbish like it's some sort of fact and then dissing those who might say to the contrary. It's turning it into a bit of crap place at times frankly.
Very similar to my HMV 103. Mine has doors on the front, volume control! Mine is pre electric era, with a no.4 Exhibition soundbox. I have plenty of Humph 10" on Parlophone, my late Fathers. I find that anything recorded after the 30's but particulrly the 50's on can sound far too strident and toppy, due to the characteristics applied to the recordings as electric reproduction was becoming the norm, so eq was applied at the mastering stage, eventually to become standardized to RIAA. Before then eq was far from standard and varied greatly between label, era and genre!
Yes - back in the 60s some of my LPs had a standard instruction “Users of wide range equipment should set their controls to the RIAA curve” and I vaguely recall seeing older amplifiers with a front panel control offering a range of curves to choose from. I can’t recall what these different curves were called before the issue was standardised to the RIAA curve.
Is that not a contradiction in terms these days? Found myself listening to Radio 1 briefly last night. Shockingly poor. The DJ was talking about the simple, formulaic crap as if it was intricate cutting edge music. It was just rubbish.

No idea, I never listen to Radio One. However, I recall his first solo album was pretty decent as my wife put it on a few times.
Harry Styles

You like Harry Styles?

His early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Fine Line came out in ‘19, I think he really came into his own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Taylor Swift, but I think Harry has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

In '22, Harry released Harry’s House, his most accomplished album. I think his undisputed masterpiece is ‘As It Was’, a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about Harry himself.

Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now...
This place really is full of bitter grumpy old men. Music evolves with every passing generation and what sounds like rubbish to one does not to the other. That doesn't make any music good or bad as that is a judgement solely based on opinion so saying Harry Styles is awful is not true, it's just you don't like his music. I can't stand Phil Collins, but all joking aside I readily except that many like his output and derive enjoyment from it. My opinion is no less valid than theirs, but it's just an opinion and that's all. I think I'm quite lucky as I'm able to still be massively open minded about music and can find things I like in pretty much any genre, yes I even listen to Radio 1 from time to time and I'm sure at the age of 57 I'm not their target demographic, but there is some good stuff in there amongst the rest of it which I often find harder to appreciate. You cannot simply tar an entire genre or radio station's output with the same brush and even then whether you like it or not is only your opinion, it doesn't make it gospel... it's just stupidity to even say it frankly.

What is getting more and more noticeable on pfm is people stating this is rubbish, that is rubbish like it's some sort of fact and then dissing those who might say to the contrary. It's turning it into a bit of crap place at times frankly.

On occasions for sure. I’d like to say I have a very wide appreciation of music, some on PFM and elsewhere are clearly far more narrow minded.
Harry Stiles... that's the guy whose middle name is autotune? Ah believe he broke the record for "co-writers" on a couple pf his albums, up to 8 on several songs. Mind you, he's no worse than Elvis Presley bunging $50 to down and out, alcoholic, blues singers so he could add his name to their original songs. :cool:
You like Harry Styles?

I think he has some good pop tunes but I'd not class myself as a fan. I just don't like any artist being dismissed as if those people who like listening to them are somehow morons and not liking them makes you somehow the arbiter of all that is good taste. It's school level behaviour and the fact that so called mature adults carry it over into places like pfm says more about their personality than it does anyone who chooses to listen to Harry Styles or whoever.
I think he has some good pop tunes but I'd not class myself as a fan. I just don't like any artist being dismissed as if those people who like listening to them are somehow morons and not liking them makes you somehow the arbiter of all that is good taste. It's school level behaviour and the fact that so called mature adults carry it over into places like pfm says more about their personality than it does anyone who chooses to listen to Harry Styles or whoever.

In your opinion, it works both ways.
In your opinion, it works both ways.

You've completely missed my point, but no surprise on here really these days. Either that or you actually think certain people who like certain artists are idiots just because you don't like them? Enlighten me.
Oh gosh, I knew I shouldn’t have posted that Harry Styles this morning, especially as Pig and Eeyore seem not to have realised my last post is (almost) entirely taken from American Psycho.

To make amends, a new song from this week that’ll soon be impossible to avoid...

Sorry for the tangent. This was supposed to be a thread filled with middle-aged blokes who love vinyl complaining about vinyl.

Don’t worry, Joe. I’m not seeing any tangent.
I caveat this as there have been a few gimmick vinyl pressings that play at 78 but don’t need a special stylus. I can’t remember the band, but I actually sold a couple, kind of a retro-kitsch 10” thing from maybe 7-8 years ago.
This maybe?

A couple of others I was quite pleased to discover the old memory bank wasn’t playing tricks on me about:
Oh gosh, I knew I shouldn’t have posted that Harry Styles this morning, especially as Pig and Eeyore seem not to have realised my last post is (almost) entirely taken from American Psycho.

Sigh... yes we all got it Alex, it just wasn't that clever or funny. Especially given the subject matter of the original reference ;)
I think he has some good pop tunes but I'd not class myself as a fan. I just don't like any artist being dismissed as if those people who like listening to them are somehow morons and not liking them makes you somehow the arbiter of all that is good taste. It's school level behaviour and the fact that so called mature adults carry it over into places like pfm says more about their personality than it does anyone who chooses to listen to Harry Styles or whoever.

Sigh... yes we all got it Alex

Put down the pipe, you’re high af.

