
The chips are down and the irony up


Last week on the Today programme I heard IDS being interviewed about the government plans to keep industry supplied with skilled migrants, he went on to say that it was the fault of industry for not training staff and investing in technology and went on to tell the story of a chip manufacturer in Belgium that dominated supply in the UK, when our hero asked him how he did it, the factory manager laughed and said the UK was viewed as short term thinking and addicted to low cost Labour and he had invested in lots of machinery and training. IDS sounded a bit worried but no worries the toady presenter resisted calling him out on how he had managed to run a successful business in such close proximity to Brussels, they were not hi tech silicon chips either, it was the humble potato chip.
Low productivity Britain, like the crumbling Victorian infrastructure, limped along on the back of cheap Labour, underinvestment and patch up jobs with no credible industrial strategy. Still, we’ve taken back control so no one else to blame now.

mustn’t grumble
The temerity of him after years of claiming Brussels was holding the UK back now switching to the real reason the UK is not performing as well as it should, still as you say no excuses now, however given the uncertainty I can’t see businesses upping their investment in automation and training any time soon.

At around 2:20:00 worth a listen to show IDS totally destroy his own reasons for Brexit.
Not only are the chips down but the fish as well now that June Mummery of the Brexit Party has had a light bulb moment
"Attending the penultimate session of the #EuropeanParliament’s #FisheriesCommittee #PECHcommittee) with #BritishMEPs. The big question now is, who will be here to hold these people to account while they still control Britain’s waters, but the UK has no representation?"

I just wish that you could make stuff like this up
Not only are the chips down but the fish as well now that June Mummery of the Brexit Party has had a light bulb moment
"Attending the penultimate session of the #EuropeanParliament’s #FisheriesCommittee #PECHcommittee) with #BritishMEPs. The big question now is, who will be here to hold these people to account while they still control Britain’s waters, but the UK has no representation?"

I just wish that you could make stuff like this up


Same sort of mindset as the voter I heard saying he was backing the Tories because only they could sort out the problems in the NHS.

It's quite disarming to be faced with these levels of ignorance.
Yes, it really is no surprise that you can’t counteract propaganda with factual rebuttals when your audience shows this level of analytical deficit.
I've always thought that UK companies would rather bring in people from other countries rather than spend money on training UK workers. Keeps profits up and the people at the top get a larger bonus. Short term thinking without a doubt.
I've always thought that UK companies would rather bring in people from other countries rather than spend money on training UK workers

That applies to state funded 'industries' too - Yes NHS we're looking at you too - what is the current staff shortfall?
Politicians don't like training because there's a good chance the other side will be in power when the students qualify and grab to credit

