
the Artificial Intelligence Singularity

AI will inevitably take over, if given the chance, any superior being will eventually take hold of an environment, be it artificial or not, humans are proof of this.

Why would an artificial intelligence want to maintain human health, it's pointless to their survival.

I wonder why we are going ahead, I cannot see any good to come from it, how does AI benefit the human race in the long term.

All I see is mass unemployment & even greater divides among society until we are basically useless as a species.
Let's be honest, what use are we anyway, we destroy everything in our path, we kill each other for religion, love, hate, the most destructive animal to exist in the history of this planet, I would imagine, any intelligent species will see this & move on.

To be fair, you are using the example of biological life, which has been programmed by evolution to act in a selfish manner. An AI can presumably be constructed with very different motivations, so it's not inevitable that one might be entirely benevolent in nature... or perhaps that is just wishful thinking!
I work with neural networks at work and sitting with human traders watching AIs trade across events like Brexit and Trump's win was eye opening to say the least. It was much like the "Move 37" effect in Alpha Go's victory as experienced human traders leared from the AI. Even if we never get general super intelligence (which seems unlikely) narrow AIs in specialist tasks are clearly going to change everything.

This video is good on the "This changes everything" point of view.

This one is more interesting as it gets into more details and gives one a much better insight into how they actually work by showing what happens when you run them backwards.

The other thing that occurs when I think about this is the old idea of swapping the rest of your life for 1 day in 500 years. This is an intriguing idea because the future is so unknowable, but learning about AI makes one have no shortage of plausible ideas.
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