
Teddy Phono Stage vs Superline TP Supercap


pfm Member
Does anyone have any practical experience comparing performance of the new TP Phono Stage / PS vs the a Naim Superline powered by a TP Supercap??
I would be surprised if anyone can offer a direct comparison between the two. I did own the older Teddy Pardo phono stage some time ago, as well as a Superline with both TP and Naim Supercaps. The TP phono was quite good but the Superline with either version of the Supercap was quite substantially better. In fact, the Superline/Supercap is one of the finest phono stages I have ever heard at any price and I regret selling mine.

I'm sure that Teddy's new phono, like all his designs, will sound good and be great value. But the total cost of the phono/psu is less than the cost of a TP supercap, which leads me to think that at least the power supply will not as good as either version of the supercap, and this is a critical part of the sound of the phono stage. Going from a Hicap to a Supercap on the Superline turns it from a competent phono stage to a truly great one.

Obviously, there is a big difference in cost, and it will also depend on how good your turntable, arm and cartridge are whether the additional cost of the Naim is justified. I have had nothing but good experiences with any of Teddy's products (and I have owned quite a few of them), so I would expect the TP phono to sound excellent. While Naim's current offerings are distinctly underwhelming and overpriced (IMO), the Superline/Supercap is an exception and is a superb phono stage competitive at a very high level, and I will probably own one again at some point.
Thanks for the feedback. Consistent with my expectations. I agree that the Superline is exceptional when powered by a SuperCap (or in my case a Teddy SC).
I would be surprised if anyone can offer a direct comparison between the two. I did own the older Teddy Pardo phono stage some time ago, as well as a Superline with both TP and Naim Supercaps. The TP phono was quite good but the Superline with either version of the Supercap was quite substantially better. In fact, the Superline/Supercap is one of the finest phono stages I have ever heard at any price and I regret selling mine.

I'm sure that Teddy's new phono, like all his designs, will sound good and be great value. But the total cost of the phono/psu is less than the cost of a TP supercap, which leads me to think that at least the power supply will not as good as either version of the supercap, and this is a critical part of the sound of the phono stage. Going from a Hicap to a Supercap on the Superline turns it from a competent phono stage to a truly great one.

Obviously, there is a big difference in cost, and it will also depend on how good your turntable, arm and cartridge are whether the additional cost of the Naim is justified. I have had nothing but good experiences with any of Teddy's products (and I have owned quite a few of them), so I would expect the TP phono to sound excellent. While Naim's current offerings are distinctly underwhelming and overpriced (IMO), the Superline/Supercap is an exception and is a superb phono stage competitive at a very high level, and I will probably own one again at some point.

RossB, in odd chance you notice…which PSU did you prefer with the Superline?
I can also add, I have also had many TP supercaps, at one point 3 off them powering my 52, snaxo and superline plus even had the twin power supplies on my nds.
These offered great value for money forthe sound quality they gave, but over time I replaced them all with naims, why? Well the sound you get from have a naim power supply on a naim bit off gear is just better as it should be really, it just all clicks.
The 52 was the biggest inpovement with a naim supercap, but both the superline and snaxo weren't far behind.

But if you can't stretch to a naim, then TP is a great way to get 80% off the sound, just not the full naim.
I can also add, I have also had many TP supercaps, at one point 3 off them powering my 52, snaxo and superline plus even had the twin power supplies on my nds.
These offered great value for money forthe sound quality they gave, but over time I replaced them all with naims, why? Well the sound you get from have a naim power supply on a naim bit off gear is just better as it should be really, it just all clicks.
The 52 was the biggest inpovement with a naim supercap, but both the superline and snaxo weren't far behind.

But if you can't stretch to a naim, then TP is a great way to get 80% off the sound, just not the full naim.
Not doubting that for you Naim was better, but I sold all my Naim PSU’s (dolly mixture of XPS, SC’s and 555’s) and went with TP as I prefer the TP sound. Plus, I don’t miss the buzzing.
Not doubting that for you Naim was better, but I sold all my Naim PSU’s (dolly mixture of XPS, SC’s and 555’s) and when with TP as I prefer the TP sound. Plus, I don’t miss the buzzing.

That's fine then, but for me if I didn't like the naim sound, then I would just go and buy something else rather than start messing about with it, that's one thing I learnt on the journey.
As said I tried them, lots, but as my system got better it showed up more and more, that the power supplies certainly changed the way it sounded and not for the better.
As said they offer a cheap way to up your power supply, but don't expect the naim sound as it's just not the same.
I can also add, I have also had many TP supercaps, at one point 3 off them powering my 52, snaxo and superline plus even had the twin power supplies on my nds.
These offered great value for money forthe sound quality they gave, but over time I replaced them all with naims, why? Well the sound you get from have a naim power supply on a naim bit off gear is just better as it should be really, it just all clicks.
The 52 was the biggest inpovement with a naim supercap, but both the superline and snaxo weren't far behind.

But if you can't stretch to a naim, then TP is a great way to get 80% off the sound, just not the full naim.

That has been my experience but I only have experience with powering the Naim pre amps. Was hoping to hear the Teddys were on par with Naim for phono…

It is indeed fascinating how much effect on the sound from a PS. I have an Avondaled TPR4 olive high cap and a Naim Hicap DR powering a NAC 72. In this case I think I prefer the Hicap DR but still to this day not sure. In this case, I wouldn’t say one is better than the other.

Years ago when I experimented with Teddycap, I clearly preferred the Naim Hicap. Teddy now has the SE version…wonder what the improvement is there. I would think it would easily be noticeable otherwise he would not have gave it the SE designation?
That has been my experience but I only have experience with powering the Naim pre amps. Was hoping to hear the Teddys were on par with Naim for phono…

It is indeed fascinating how much effect on the sound from a PS. I have an Avondaled TPR4 olive high cap and a Naim Hicap DR powering a NAC 72. In this case I think I prefer the Hicap DR but still to this day not sure. In this case, I wouldn’t say one is better than the other.

Years ago when I experimented with Teddycap, I clearly preferred the Naim Hicap. Teddy now has the SE version…wonder what the improvement is there. I would think it would easily be noticeable otherwise he would not have gave it the SE designation?
Drop Yair a line and get one on trial. TP’s return policy is rock solid.
Not doubting that for you Naim was better, but I sold all my Naim PSU’s (dolly mixture of XPS, SC’s and 555’s) and went with TP as I prefer the TP sound. Plus, I don’t miss the buzzing.
I agree TP PSUs were better to my ears and the Naim buzz definitely a big negative for the price they ask.
I agree TP PSUs were better to my ears and the Naim buzz definitely a big negative for the price they ask.
Yep, you pays yer money…….! I don’t buy the whole ‘it must be all Naim or don’t bother’ line at all, that’s far to Naim forum for my liking! I like the sound of my 252 and prefer it to anything else I’ve tried, it’s just better (to my ears) with a TSC. Ditto the Superline and NDS. In fact, the NDS is astonishingly better with TP than with double Naim’s. I moved away from Naim power amps a few years ago, to weedy.

